Local News

2024-06-05 > All chapters

Southwest China Chapter Held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor

Southwest China Chapter held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor in Chengdu

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2022-04-14 > Shanghai

Tips for Good Mental Health During Lockdown

Allow yourself to have bad feelings, and keep up daily activities where possible.
Limit your exposure to news and social media.
Regulate unhelpful emotions with ‘PLEASE’ tools.
Accept the situations you do not have control over.

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2021-11-15 > Tianjin

Explanation for Employment Policy for the disabled and Guidance on Disability Insurance Declaration

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter and FESCO Tianjin jointly held this meeting on November 12th, explaining the Employment Policy for the disabled and providing guidance on Disability Insurance Declaration.

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2021-05-08 > Shanghai

Farewell Letter from Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chairman Carlo Diego D'Andrea

After 4 wonderful years, the time has come for me to step down as Chairman of the Shanghai Chapter of the European Chamber.

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2021-01-22 > Tianjin

Take a Quick Survey and Win Great Prizes! The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 2020 Event Review 参加调查问卷,赢取丰厚礼品!中国欧盟商会天津分会2020年活动回顾

Take a Quick Survey and Win Great Prizes! The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 2020 Event Review 参加调查问卷,赢取丰厚礼品!中国欧盟商会天津分会2020年活动回顾

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2020-03-17 > Shanghai

Entry Process to Shanghai from Overseas

The story is kindly provided by a Shanghai member based on his own experience.

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2020-01-17 > All chapters

Seminar on EU- China Win-Win Aeronautical Cooperation & Tour to Airbus and Sinelson Aero

On 17th January, Aviation & Aerospace working group held a seminar on EU – China win-win Cooperation Seminar in Airbus (Tianjin). The attendees also visited Airbus Final Assembly Lines and Senelson Aero (Tianjin) workshop.

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2019-11-22 > Tianjin

European Business Dialogue with Tianjin Municipal Government 欧盟企业与天津市政府交流座谈

European Business Dialogue with Tianjin Municipal Government 欧盟企业与天津市政府交流座谈

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2019-06-26 > Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter High-Level Dialogue with Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Exclusive High-level Close-Door Meeting with Tianjin Commission of Commerce 中国欧盟商会天津独家政府高层沟通会 —— 对话天津市商务局,工信局,医保局及公安局

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