Corporate Membership
Applies to corporations, partnerships or other entities:
- Legally established in China AND
- Controlled by entities headquartered in countries outside of China but with business interests in Europe OR by a European passport holder
Membership Fees:
Membership fees are dependent upon the number of employees that the corporate group has worldwide.
Local Membership Fee
Less than 250 employees worldwide RMB 6,900/Year
Between 250 and 1000 employees worldwide RMB 10,500/Year
More than 1000 employees worldwide RMB 21,000/Year
National Membership Fee
Less than 250 employees worldwide RMB 16,900/Year
Between 250 and 1000 employees worldwide RMB 26,500/Year
More than 1000 employees worldwide RMB 53,200/Year
* Fees cover membership for 12 months starting from the 1st of the month after the payment date.
* A company must purchase an additional membership(s) if it wishes to access membership services in those areas where the European Chamber has established a Chapter and where the company has established a legal entity. Subsidiaries of a company that is already a member of the European Chamber enjoy a 50% discount on membership fees.
Corporate Members' Rights
- Participate in and be heard at the Annual General Meeting of the European Chamber.
- Participate in activities held for members of the European Chamber including all Working Groups and Forums open to members (closed working groups are only for industry players), events, conferences and breakfast seminars as well as in the publication of the Position Paper and in European Chamber advocacy actions.
- Only employees that work for a legal entity in a given chapter for which that legal entity is a member are entitled to membership services and benefits of that chapter.
- If a legal entity with membership in a given chapter (Chapter A) does not have a registered office in another chapter (Chapter B) of the European Chamber, its employees may travel to Chapter B and enjoy membership services on a limited basis upon approval from the membership department of Chapter B.
- Invite guests to activities which require invitation for members.
- Vote on any resolution or motion in General Meetings and Elections. Only the primary membership of the company shall be entitled to cast one vote. The vote shall be cast by its Primary Contact or proxy in a form determined by the Executive Committee.
- Employees of the member company can be elected as Chairman or Vice-Chairman of a Working Group and stand for election for national (President, Vice-President and Treasurer) and local Boards. Corporate members shall hold office in their individual capacity and not in the capacity of corporate member representative. The corporate member’s employer does not have the right to appoint a substitute to replace the elected corporate nominee. However, the individual cannot hold his/her position if the corporate membership is canceled or not renewed.
- Cast votes in the election of the President, Vice-Presidents and Treasurer in accordance with 10.3 and 10.4 of the Articles of association of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. The vote of a corporate member shall be cast by its nominee.
- Propose and second any resolution in accordance with Article 9.4 of the Articles of Association of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.