

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) sincerely invites you to participate in the factory tour of Taixiang Vehicle Replace Parts (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd (belong to Bosch Group).

After the factory visit, Bosch Shenzhen plant. will also share experience on the topic of "corporate talents cultivation".

Additionally, the Manufacturing Working Group roundtable in December will also be held from 10:00 to 12:00 of the same day, and member companies can choose to participate online or offline.

Therefore, we sincerely invite human resources managers, production managers, general managers of manufacturing enterprises, and those who are interested in employee motivation to join this tour. At the same time, we also encourage you to bring front-line managers and personnel so as to inspire them with first-hand experience.

中国欧盟商会将于2022年12月15日(周四)组织会员走进德国博世集团在深圳的全资子公司 - 泰祥汽车配件(深圳)有限公司进行参观,现诚邀您的参与。



  • 2022-12-15 | 13:30 - 16:20
  • Taixiang Vehicle Replace Parts (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter in cooperation with AmCham China warmly welcomes you to join this year’s Christmas Market at Star Mall. We focus on families especially! 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会联合中国美国商会联合诚邀您加入今年在星摩尔购物中心的圣诞集市活动!我们的圣诞集市着重于家庭!

  • 2022-12-10 | 10:00 - 20:00
  • Star Mall Shenyang Plaza(People Square)

As 2022 comes to a close, China’s economic outlook is the most uncertain since the country first embarked upon its programme of reform and opening more than four decades ago. Its COVID strategy has been put to the test, with nationwide outbreaks of the highly transmissible Omicron variant disrupting business operations on an unprecedented scale throughout the year. Other significant internal challenges include China’s mounting debt crisis, the unravelling of its real estate sector, demographic headwinds and stalling consumption growth.

  • 2022-12-09 | 13:30 - 18:10
  • Zoom Online/Grand Ballroom 1, 4F, InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun

The 132nd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) will be held online between October 15th and November 4th. The Secretariat of Canton Fair warmly welcomes representatives from the European Chamber’s member companies and the Chamber’s individual members to participate.

  • 2022-10-15 - 2022-11-04 | 09:30 - 18:00
  • online 在线参与
Members only

To further enhance EU enterprises' understanding of Qianhai's planning, development and industrial policies, the European Chamber is organizing this half day on-site visits and policy conference with Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce and Qianhai Authority.

This event will be in both English and Chinese, and is open to European Chamber members only.

  • 2022-09-28 | 14:30 - 19:00
  • Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone
Members only

The EU SME Centre and the European Chamber are pleased to invite you to join our upcoming Policy Meeting, where Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) will share Beijing’s vision, priorities and likely trajectory on Taiwan. Next, FGS Global will explain the geopolitical impact and risks following Pelosi’s visit. The meeting will take place on Tuesday 27th September 15:00-16:30 offline only at Four Seasons Hotel. The meeting will be off-the-record and held under Chatham House rules.

  • 2022-09-27 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Beijing Four Seasons Hotel, Tang I
South China > Other

the PP launch and VIP roundtable

the Position Paper Launch and VIP Roundtable

  • 2022-09-27 | 17:30 - 20:30
  • Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou

Meeting with Shenzhen CCPIT Deputy Director General Tang Jin.

  • 2022-07-21 - 2022-07-21 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Room 303, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building
Members only

Partnering with our own AISG educators and leaders in the education industry, the AISG Training Center aims to provide a diverse set of training opportunities that will equip educators with research-based tools and best practices.

  • 2022-07-11 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • 线上

Shenzhen Bao'an District's Party Secretary Mr. Wang Shourui (王守睿) would like to invite European Chamber representatives (20-25 ppl) to a 1-day visit to Bao'an District this Friday, June 17th, at 9:30 am to 5 pm, including lunch with Bao’an District Party Secretary Mr. Wang Shourui and other Bao’an leaders.

  • 2022-06-17 - 2022-06-17 | 09:30 - 17:00
  • Office building of Bao'an District Committee of the CPC
Members only