Archive for 2020

The European Chamber of Commerce in China has invited relevant authorities of Tianjin Municipal Government to brief member companies on supportive policies during and after the COVID-19 Outbreak, as well as the encouraging policies on the "Eight New Dynamic Industries of Tianjin" - high-end manufacturing, biomedicine, new-generation information technology, renewable energy, energy-saving and environment protection and technology services.

  • 2020-03-24 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Online
Members only

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by WHO since 30 January 2020. Through consistent containment and control efforts, the epidemic is gradually under control within China, whereas the number of reported cases is surging globally thus can be described as a pandemic, according to WHO.

  • 2020-03-23 | 15:30 - 17:00
  • online


  • 2020-03-19 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Online Event

Government Policies that Support Business Operations during the COVID-19: A Discussion with the Shanghai Local Authorities

  • 2020-03-17 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online Webinar
Members only

One of the mottoes of the new Commission under the auspices of President Ursula Von der Leyen has been to “strive for more at home in order to lead in the world”. Throughout the new leadership’s 100 first days, a number of road-maps that will likely pave the way of Europe’s strategic development and global positioning in the next five years have been developed. Looking at EU-China cooperation and competition, perhaps two of the most relevant road-maps devised by the new Commission are its Artificial Intelligence (AI) White Paper – released on 19th February – and its industrial strategy – rolled out on 10th March.

  • 2020-03-16 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • online

COVID-19 has impacted communities in multiple regions since its outbreak and continues to spread around the globe. While its further consequence may still take time to be gauged, transportation has been severely stroked, it is more expensive and time-consuming with less available options for passengers and goods to reach their destinations. Several sectors, such as aviation, global maritime shipping, and land transportation – which are all backbones of the world economy - are facing greater challenges, the derivatives of which will unavoidably extend across global economy, who find themselves without goods and without workers.

  • 2020-03-13 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Online Webinar

How to Take the COVID-19 Outbreak as An Opportunity for Your Business Transformation, Digitalisation and Innovation

  • 2020-03-03 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • online

The European Chamber, in cooperation with the German Chamber, have recently surveyed their members on this topic, garnering more than 600 responses. European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke and Chairman of the German Chamber of Commerce North China Dr Stephan Woellenstein, will share the results.

  • 2020-02-27 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online Event
Members only

Current outbreak of the novel coronavirus significantly disrupts business operations across China. Businesses and their employees face unprecedented challenges in many different aspects. This webinar will give a comprehensive and practical overview on how business can tackle these challenges from commercial, tax and HR perspectives.

  • 2020-02-27 | 16:00 - 17:50
  • Online Webinar

Force majeure exists as a doctrine under Article 180 of the PRC General Rules on the Civil Law (中国《民法总则》) and Article 117 of the PRC Contract Law (中国《合同法》). It is defined as objective event or situation which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable (不能预见、不能避 免、不能克服的客观情况(事件)).

  • 2020-02-26 | 15:00 - 16:25
  • online