National News

2022-11-15 > All chapters

Travelling from Europe to China: Policy Update

The European Chamber has collected relevant information from the websites of the Chinese embassies in fourteen European countries. Detailed requirements may vary from country to country.

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2022-09-19 > All chapters

Announcement on the Passing of Vice President Guido Giacconi

On 18th September 2022, European Chamber Vice President Guido Giacconi passed away peacefully while visiting family in his native Italy.

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2022-06-14 > All chapters

Travelling from Europe to China: HDC Code and Visa Application Update

The European Chamber has collected relevant information from the websites of the Chinese embassies in fourteen European countries and developed a flowchart to help readers have a general understanding of the HDC code application process.

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2022-05-26 > All chapters

European Chamber Elects New Treasurer at Annual General Meeting

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 took place online on Thursday, 26th May. A by-election was also held for members to elect a new treasurer to serve on the Chamber’s Executive Committee.

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2022-04-08 > All chapters

Media roundtable on business outlook under the zero-COVID strategy

On 6th April, the European Chamber held a cross-chapter online media roundtable to present the business outlook of European companies operating in China with regard to China's zero-COVID strategy.

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2016-10-20 > All chapters

President Wuttke Shares Views with Vice Premier Ma Kai and Vice President Katainen

On 19th October, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke attended a breakfast with European Commission Vice President Katainen, Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai on the margins of the high-level economic dialogue between the EU and China in Brussels.

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2016-06-08 > All chapters

[Video] Annual General Meeting 2016 Review

Review of Annual General Meeting 2016 in a short video.

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2016-04-28 > All chapters

European Commission Vice President Katainen Attends AGM

Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness Jyrki Katainen attended the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting on 27th April, to deliver an exclusive address to the attending members.

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2016-04-28 > All chapters

Members Pass Historic Amendments to the Articles of Association

At the Annual General Meeting on the 27th of April, eligible voting members overwhelming endorsed the proposed amendments to the Chamber’s Articles of Association.

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