Local News

2024-06-05 > All chapters

Southwest China Chapter Held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor

Southwest China Chapter held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor in Chengdu

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2017-10-30 > Tianjin

2017 European Business Gala Dinner- European Union 60 Years

The 12th European Business Gala successfully held in Tianjin Four Seasons hotel on 20th October with attendance of EU Ambassador, President of European Chamber in China and a group of VIPs.

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2017-06-20 > Tianjin

KERN-LIEBERS Precision Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd settled in Beichen Science and Technology Park

June 20, 2017, the foundation ceremony of our new member KERN-LIEBERS (Tianjin) was held ceremoniously.

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2017-06-17 > Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter 2017 Badminton Tournament Successfully Held

Sporty Fun with Members of European Chamber Tianjin Chapter!

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2017-05-04 > Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Chairman Addresses the China-Belgium 120 Years of Shared History Exhibition Opening Ceremony

China-Belgium 120 Years of Shared History Exhibition Opens in Tianjin.

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2017-04-27 > Tianjin

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter Presents Local Position Paper to Vice Mayor of Jinnan District

Local Position Paper Presented to Government Official.

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2017-01-23 > Tianjin

2017 Event Calendar and Sponsorship Package Available! - European Chamber Tianjin Chapter

Involve your brand with European Chamber Tianjin Chapter's 2017 events!

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2013-09-13 > South China

European Chamber Position Paper Launch in Guangzhou

On September 11th, 2013 the European Chamber Position Paper launch in Guangzhou gathered large number of participants representing the European companies operating in Guangdong, high level representatives of Guangdong government as well as European Consuls General and Trade Commissioners. The Launch received a great attention and coverage by local media such us Guangdong TV, radio, newspapers and internet media.

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