Secretary General Dunnett Advocates for EU-China Aviation Safety Cooperation and Calls for Greater Market Opening in Other Safety-related Services and Agriculture Go back »

2019-04-09 | All chapters

As the 21st EU-China Summit got underway in Brussels, Secretary General Adam Dunnett sat down with CGTN’s Su Yuting to discuss EU-China cooperation and competition. He said while EU-China trade continues to grow at more than twice the global average, much more remains to be done on investment. SG Dunnett added that the signing of a joint Comprehensive Agreement on Investment could send a strong message to the world on the importance of cooperation, while at same time supporting the multilateral system. 

On more specific areas of cooperation, SG Dunnett highlighted his hope and expectation for an imminent signing of a bilateral aviation safety agreement (BASA) as well as stronger cooperation on tackling WTO reform. He also gave examples of where China could further open up, citing the lifting of joint-venture requirements in the agricultural sector and the full opening of testing, inspection, and certification services. He said that area in particular could be beneficial for improving occupational safety in China. Separately, SG Dunnett also noted that unfortunately the EU-China Business Summit did not take place this year.