European Chamber Members Confirm 2016 Leadership Go back »

2016-04-27 | All chapters

European Chamber Members Confirm 2016 Leadership

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to announce that our member companies confirmed Jörg Wuttke as president, during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th April.

(from L-R: Vice President Patrick Horgan, South China Chairman Alberto Vettoretti, Vice President Sara Marchetta, President Jörg Wuttke, Tianjin Chairman Christoph Schrempp, Treasurer Lars Eckerlein and Secretary General Adam Dunnett.)

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to announce that our member companies confirmed Jörg Wuttke as president, during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 27th April. Three incumbents—vice presidents Bertrand de la Noue and Sara Marchetta, and treasurer Lars Eckerlein—were also confirmed, while Patrick Horgan was confirmed as a new vice president. Mick Adams, the new chair of the Shanghai Chapter, has also been appointed as vice president of the European Chamber’s Executive Committee.

Also at this year’s AGM, the amendments to the Chamber’s Articles of Association were passed by member company representatives, the details of which can be read here.