EUCCC presents its 8th annual Position Paper to Shenyang business community Go back »

2008-10-28 | All chapters

EUCCC presents its 8th annual Position Paper to Shenyang business community
Liu Ce, China Daily, 28th Ocotober 2008

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) presents its annual European Business in China Position Paper to the Shenyang business community on October 16.

The position paper indicates that European companies are generally optimistic about their business in China. And it composes of 29 individual papers prepared by the chamber's 23 working groups and 6 forums. It outlines the views and concerns of European companies in the country and sets out what they hope will be seen as constructive proposals for improving China's business environment.

Marianne Friese, secretary general of European Chamber, commented, "The Chinese leadership's affirmation of the importance of innovation, openness and competition is encouraging. We firmly support China's efforts to ensure a sustainable and balanced growth, and have made more than 300 recommendations in this edition of the Position Paper to support this and other goals."

"The number of European companies in Shenyang is growing steadily. We are a young EU Chamber chapter presently with 18 member companies, growing strongly. We are committed to constructive dialogues with local government and regulatory authorities, and strongly believe that maintaining and increasing openness in both directions is vital for the continued development of both European and Chinese companies in Shenyang and Liaoning." Alvaro Rautenberg, chairman of the chamber's Shenyang Board, told China Daily on the development of EU business in the city.

Since the public launch of European Business in China Position Paper 2008/2009 in Beijing on September 9, the chamber has presented it to China's Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Research Commission. Members of EUCCC have also travelled to Brussels to brief senior officials at the European Chamber. And the chamber will continue to present the suggestions and topics contained in this annual publication to government and regulatory agencies in China, to EU member state government, and to a wide range of business organizations and companies in China and Europe.

EUCCC founded by 51 EU member companies in 2000 was established to give EU businesses a common voice across different business sectors, nationalities and regions of China. Now, it has more than 1,400 members and is active in 8 cities including Beijing, Chengdu, Nanjing, Pearl River Delta (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), Shanghai, Shenyang and Tianjin. And the Shenyang chapter has 18 members now.
