Advocacy Actions

2021-08-11 > Beijing

Comments to NDRC on the Infrastructural List for Dishonesty Punishment Measures (2021 Version) (Draft for Comments).

The Legal and Competition Working Group sent comments to the National Development and Reform Comission on the Infrastructural List for Dishonesty Punishment Measures (2021 Version) (Draft for Comments).

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2021-08-06 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with the Japanese External Trade Organisation (JETRO) on the Common Security Requirements for Critical Network Devices

European Chamber representatives and members met with the Japanese External Trade Organisation (JETRO) and other relevant companies to discuss on the national standard 40050-2021 on Common Security Requirements for Critical Network Devices.

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2021-08-05 > Beijing

2021 World Breastfeeding Week Seminar on Breastfeeding Protection and Common Responsibility

The seminar of 2021 World Breastfeeding Week, themed with Breastfeeding Protection and Common Responsibility, is hosted by the Chinese Nutrition Society and supported by the UNICEF China Office on August 5. Representatives from China Nutrition Society, UNICEF, China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organisation, academia and industry associations participated the seminar, preached the necessity and importance of breastfeeding protection, and discussed how to take the common responsibility from different roles. Representatives from European Chamber shared the industry self-regulating practices in infant formula marketing behaviors and called for the legislation of China Code.

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2021-08-03 > Beijing, National

Meeting with Director Huo Xuewen of Beijing Financial Supervision and Administration

European Chamber Non-Banking Financial Institution Working Group met with Beijing Finance Bureau to discuss further cooperation and relevant issues in financial markets

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2021-08-02 > Beijing

Roundtable Discussion with Beijing Investment Bureau

On 2nd August, the European Chamber Head of Government Affairs was invited to join a roundtable discussion organized by Beijing Investment Promotion Center on the industry development and investment promotion in Beijing.

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2021-08-02 > Beijing

European Chamber Vice President Speaks at the 2021 Global Digital Economy Conference held in Beijing

On 2nd August 2021, the European Chamber Vice President, Mr. Guido D. Giacconi, digitally joined the 2021 Global Digital Economy Conference, as per invitation of Mr. Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing Municipality.

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2021-08-02 > Shenyang

Shenyang Chapter Paid a Visit to Shenyang Police Association中国欧盟商会沈阳分会到沈阳市警察协会参观座谈

On the morning of August 2nd, the delegation of Shenyang Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce visited Shenyang Police Association and had a friendly discussion.

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2021-07-30 > Beijing

Workshop on the State of Global Carbon Market

European and Chinese experts from EU delegation, World Bank, British Embassy, ICF, Environmental Defence Fund and GIZ attended this workshop and shared their information and insights of the state of global carbon market.

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2021-07-29 > National

Meeting with representatives of the EIB

On Thursday, 29th July, a group of Chairs led by Member of the ExCo Board Jens Eskelund met with representatives of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to discuss the EIB's new China strategy.

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2021-07-29 > South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General and Nanshan District Mayor

On July 29th, EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member Ms. Blandine Cressard met with Ms. Cao Saixian, Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General, and Mr. Huang Xiangyue, Nanshan District Mayor.

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