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South China > Retail/Wholesale/Sourcing

GQC stands for German Quality Control. Germany is mostly known for its excellence and advanced technology standards. GQC represents everything our country stands for: high quality, innovation, reliability...

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • SME
South China > Retail/Wholesale/Sourcing

Hub 3000 International Limited

HUB 3000 is a holding company that operates in the retail , sourcing , technology development in mainland China through a sister company .

  • Hong Kong, China
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

1.selling camera products, lens, accessory,apparels, watch, home appliance etc.
2. providing catering service
3. import and export goods
4. publication selling

  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

Florentia Village is China’s renowned Italian designer outlet under the Italian real estate development group, RDM. Florentia Village was first launched in 2011 and currently has seven outlets across G...

  • Italy
  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Senab AB is one of Scandinavia’s largest supplier of interior design,store concept design, and real estate services - a position that we have reached by focusingon good cooperation and close contact w...

  • Sweden
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC