Upcoming Events


The best way to enhance your inclusive leadership is by empowering and coaching others. ISLC Executive and Leadership Coaching Accreditation Programs (Level One and Level Two) are certified coach training pathways with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

The Executive and Leadership Coaching Essentials Level One program enables anyone new to coaching, and also experienced coaches seeking recognition, to acquire expertise in conducting effective coaching activities. The Level One journey includes Readings, Discussion, 3-day Module One Program, Peer Coaching Group, and an Essay.

This event is the mentioned Module One program, which is the key component of Level One accreditation program. It begins with pre-reading materials and peer discussions within learning groups. This commences three weeks before this 3-day face-to-face Module One program.

  • 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-22 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Beijing Kunlun Hotel

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to the 4th Carbon Neutrality Summit: Navigating the Path to Global Net-Zero Supply Chains at Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin on Friday, 20th September 2024.

中国欧盟商会诚挚邀请您参与2024年9月20日周五,在天津香格里拉酒店举办的第四届碳中和峰会 - 探寻全球供应链脱碳之路。

  • 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-20 | 13:30 - 21:30
  • Grand Ballroom, 2/F of Shangri-La Hotel Tianjin

Environment, Carbon Market, and Banking and Securities (sub-)Working Groups are delighted to invite the Chamber members to join the cross-working group meeting on Sustainable Manufacturing Outlook in China: ESG Regulation and Green Finance, scheduled on Monday 23rd September, 15:00-16:00, at Tomra office in Beijing.

  • 2024-09-23 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Tomra Office, Beijing
Members only

Course Benefits
Improve the understanding of workplace communication and establish a positive and efficient communication philosophy.
Summarize workplace communication barriers and clarify future strategies for improving communication.
Understand the significance of communication mindset and cultivate a positive communication attitude.
Master psychological techniques such as strategic communication, subconscious communication, and conflict management to enhance effective workplace communication.
Acquire skills for upward communication, lateral communication, and downward communication to improve work performance and team effectiveness.


  • 2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 北京东直门亚朵S酒店

Improve your data analysis and presentation skills in 42 days without learning Python - POWER BI 14th Training Camp


你将学到 :

  • 2024-09-26 - 2024-11-05 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online

Improve your data analysis and presentation skills in 42 days without learning Python - POWER BI 14th Training Camp


你将学到 :

  • 2024-09-26 - 2024-11-05 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online

The hazardous chemicals industry in China has faced increasing regulatory scrutiny in recent years, with the introduction of traceability code policies across different provinces and municipalities. Starting with Guangdong Province in 2021, these policies have introduced QR codes to enhance safety, traceability, and oversight of hazardous chemicals. However, the lack of a unified national approach has led to significant challenges for companies. With each region enforcing its own version of the QR code requirements, compliance has become inconsistent and costly for businesses operating across multiple regions. Moreover, the lack of national endorsement for a single, standardised approach has made companies hesitant to invest in necessary system modifications, such as changes to SAP systems, which are resource and time-intensive.

  • 2024-10-09 - 2024-10-09 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office 中国欧盟商会上海办公室 & Teams
Members only

[A 2-DAY Offline Training] HR Using Data Dialogue with Business Unit [2天线下培训] HR用数据与业务部门对话

  • 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Tianjin (Venue TBD)

In the enterprise publicity, copywriting is the most basic work. In addition to press releases and speeches, in-depth writing is the most widely used. An in-depth article is a feature article. The content covers various application scenarios from product advertorials to successful cases.
Due to more content sources and application scenarios, in-depth writing puts forward higher requirements on writing ability.
In this lesson, we will use the "six module method" to help students master the writing method of in-depth manuscript.企业宣传中,文案写作是最基本的工作。除了新闻稿、演讲稿,深度稿的撰写和应用最为广泛。深度稿的英文是feature article。内容涵盖从产品软文到成功案例的各种应用场景。

  • 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online

In corporate promotion, copywriting is the most fundamental task. In addition to press releases and speeches, the writing and application of in-depth articles are the most extensive. It is called feature article. The content covers various application scenarios from product articles to successful cases.
Feature drafts require higher writing skills due to their diverse content sources and application scenarios.
In this lesson, the "six module method" will be used to help students master the writing techniques of feature drafts.

  • 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom online