

  • 2019-08-28 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • Will inform the attendants one week before the seminar

In this seminar, the Cyber Security Law of the PRC will be broken down in detail, which can help companies successfully conduct classified protection. It will guide companies to conduct thorough network security risk assessment and
develop a practical mitigation plan.

  • 2019-06-13 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Langham Place

This seminar will talk about the latest salary level in Guangdong area and some key industry sectors. It will also provide the most up-to-date compensation and benefit strategic advice to develop a competitive package in your industry.Best practices in enhancing employees’ engagement, motivation and satisfaction within the organization will also be shared.

  • 2019-05-22 - 2019-05-22 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • 4/F,Sanhang Technology Building,Northwestern Polytechnical University

This seminar will talk about the latest salary level in Guangdong area and some key industry sectors. It will also provide the most up-to-date compensation and benefit strategic advice to develop a competitive package in your industry.Best practices in enhancing employees’ engagement, motivation and satisfaction within the organization will also be shared.

  • 2019-05-21 - 2019-05-21 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Wang Jing & Co., Law Firm meeting room

In this seminar, Shenzhen Tax Bureau to brief the members on the new Individual Income Tax Law (IIT) and handle members questions. During this seminar, Tax Experts from Deloitte will help you to understand comprehensively the new IIT and its implication for both foreigners and Chinese citizens. It will also cover IIT incentives for GBA area talents.

  • 2019-05-14 - 2019-05-14 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Lingshen Talent Information Technology Company Limited, Room 07-08, 8th Floor, Block 9-B4, Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Ecological Park

In this seminar, Guangzhou Tax Bureau will brief the members on the new Individual Income Tax Law (IIT) and handle members questions. During this seminar, Tax Experts from Deloitte will help you to understand comprehensively the new IIT and its implication for both foreigners and Chinese citizens. It will also cover IIT incentives for GBA area talents.

  • 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-13 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Deloitte Office Meeting Room

Find out what’s been happening in the recruitment sector in Greater China with our original survey of over 5,000 professionals. You’re invited to join our Zoom webinar on 9th May (Thursday).

  • 2019-05-09 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Webinar

The IPR Working Group is delighted to invite you to visit the world's leading IP innovator Huawei Technologies and learn from their global IP strategy. During this event, we will visit its picturesque Songshanhu Base and learn from its IP practise on how to drive innovation.

  • 2019-05-08 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Huawei Songshanhu Base

From Europe to Asia, motivations for smart city development are shifting – from excitement over what digital technologies have to offer to a more thoughtful consideration of how these technologies can be put to work to improve the lives of citizens. To ensure a sustainable future, cities must put liveability at the heart of development and investment plans.

  • 2019-04-26 - 2019-04-26 | 08:30 - 10:00
  • KPMG Office

Recent State Council reforms have pursued the parallel objectives of simplifying “green tape” associated with environmental permitting of new industrial developments while at the same time implementing supervision measures to promote operational compliance with environmental regulations for existing facilities. These changes mark a significant departure from the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s (MEP) long-standing policy of focusing on permitting and approvals for new facilities with minimal monitoring of environmental compliance over the operational life of industrial facilities.

  • 2019-04-11 | 09:00 - 11:45
  • The Executive Centre, Conference Room