
"Innovative thinking: thinking outside of the box" is derived from the "Creativity and Innovation" model of Disney college. It covers five typical steps required by enterprises in general to promote innovation, including establishing a common language for innovation, finding the right direction of innovation, tools and methods of creative thinking, creative polishing and selection, and how to promote innovation so as to meet the innovation needs of most enterprise students in different work scenes.

「创新思维:突破框架创意思考」源自迪士尼学院「Creativity and Innovation」模型,涵盖一般企业推动创新所需要的五个典型步骤,包括建立对于创新的共同语言,找到创新的正确方向,创意思考的工具与方法,创意打磨与选择及如何推动创 新落地,满足大多数企业学员在不同工作场景的创新需求。

  • 2022-03-24 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Zoom 会议
Members only

This course will help you form a rigorous habit of structural thinking, think clearly and comprehensively from multiple aspects when facing tasks and problems, jump out of the inherent experience and thinking, intervene the cognitive structure through tools, and develop an excellent way of thinking.


  • 2022-03-23 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • 腾讯会议
Members only

Visit to German National Pavilion at Chengdu International Railway Port

  • 2022-03-10 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Parking Lot (near the FamilyMart), Tower 2, Central Plaza 集合地点:成都市中环广场2座卸货区,全家便利店旁边

Plant Visit to SSAMC

SSAMC Introduction 四川国际简介

Sichuan Services Aero Engine Maintenance Company (SSAMC) is a Joint Venture company created in 1999. SSAMC’s Shareholders are the Chinese flag carrier, Air China and CFM International which is also a 50/50 joint company between Safran Aircraft Engines (France) and General Electric (USA).

SSAMC performs Maintenance and Repairs services (MRO) for CFM engines powering airplanes like AIRBUS A320, BOEING B737 and the new Chinese COMAC C919.
In 2016, SSAMC invested 900 million Yuan in Chengdu Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Shuangliu) to put in operations in 2018 a world class shop embarking High Technology like RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and several automated lines with advanced equipment.

The Customers of SSAMC are located in 4 continents in Asia, Australia, Europe and Americas. In 2019, SSAMC achieved ¥ 4.5 Bn Yuan (~ 650M USD) revenue with 150 engines repaired. SSAMC is already the first engine MRO

shop in China for CFM engines and SSAMC aims to be, in the short term, the largest Engine MRO shop in Asia.





  • 2022-01-18 | 13:20 - 17:30
  • Sichuan Services Aero Engine Maintenance Company (SSAMC) 四川国际航空发动机维修有限公司

Company culture is the spirit to base a certain company in the market and win the market.

  • 2008-01-11 | 14:30
  • Munchen1810