
The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to join the next Auto Components Working Group Meeting: Observations in Chinese Automotive market at 10.00-11.30am, 4th December, 2020 at the European Chamber Shanghai Office. During the meeting, Mr. Ron Zheng, Automotive Senior Partner at Roland Berger, together with Mr. Huxiong Xu and Mr. Shuai Shi, Principal at Roland Berger, will share with you the main observations in Chinese market, including COVID implications and disruption trend on global and Chinese market, with a focus on the Chinese auto supplier industry. They will also share some of the options that suppliers could take in dealing with this transformation.

  • 2020-12-04 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Big Meeting Room, Unit 2204
Members only

The European Chamber Tianjin 2020 Annual Government Appreciation Reception 中国欧盟商会2020年度天津市政府答谢会 2020年12月3日。

  • 2020-12-03 | 14:45 - 19:00
  • The Ritz Carlton Hotel Tianjin 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店, 2F
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

Better Safe than Sorry: Managing the Risks in the Supply Chain.

There has been an incredible rise in remote work due to COVID-19 which has conversely cause a rise in investments in cyber security by companies that are increasingly worried about cyber risks that the increased use of digital tools entails. However, despite these investments, companies need to adopt an end-to-end Supply Chain strategy.
Companies need to have a holistic view of the supply chain and promote a better integration within it.
Our two experts will be discussing the best strategies companies need to adopt to better tackle the increasing challenges posed by cyber risks in the supply chain.
If you would like to attend the event please register here on our website or email Pablo Galvez at
If you wish to attend the event in person instead of online please send an email to Pablo Galvez at

  • 2020-11-26 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Either offline attendance in the Chamber's office or online through Zoom
Members only

Closing off 2020, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China will celebrate its 20th birthday. Founded in 2000, the initial goal of the European Chamber was to establish a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China. This is still our raison d’être today.

For the past 20 years, the European Chamber has been a guide for European businesses to develop their presence in China, while also providing both Chinese and European authorities with constructive policy recommendations. We will continue to be your indefatigable advocate now and well into the future.

In recognition of the many accomplishments and successes over the past two decades, the European Chamber will host a celebration event in Shenzhen on 25 November.

The first half will be a conference discussing the challenges and opportunities for European companies operating here, as China’s new digital infrastructure initiative meets a de-globalised world.

A ceremony and buffet dinner will be held following the conference for you to enjoy with members of both European and South China business community.

Over 100 high-profile attendees will join this event, with VIP guests including EU Chamber President Joerg Wuttke, Chinese VIPs, as well as European Consulates and Representative Offices in South China. We eagerly anticipate your active participation!

  • 2020-11-25 | 17:30 - 21:30
  • Barcelona 巴塞罗那厅, 1st floor

The European Chamber’s Financial Services Working Groups are delighted to invite you to the Joint Working Group Meeting “CF40/CASS Report Presentation on Foreign Perspectives of China’s Financial Opening Up” which is to take place on Tuesday 24th November 2020, 16:00-17:30 pm.

Register online or email Pablo Galvez at (Shanghai) before Friday 20th November, COB. You will receive a confirmation email containing the link to join the meeting via Zoom after registration closes the day before. You may also attend in person at Shanghai office. Please send an email to if your preference is in person attendance.
During August, the European Chamber, along with the US-China Business Council and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), participated in an anonymous survey based on an annual research project financed by the influential Chinese think tank CF40 (China Finance 40 Forum) and conducted by CASS (the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). This year the project was focused on shedding light on the difference in perceptions between China’s regulators and foreign financial institutions when it comes to the opening up, underlining that there is a big gap. On one hand, China’s officials think they make great efforts to push forward the financial opening. On the other hand, foreign financial institutions feel limited improvement and wish the opening could bring more impactful changes.

On this basis, CASS has now published the report at the second Shanghai Bund Summit and are delighted to share the results with members of the European Chamber’s Financial Services Working Groups. At this meeting, Mr. Qiyuan Xu, Senior fellow, Head of Economic Development Department and Deputy Director of RCIF (Research Center of International Finance) at CASS will present the report.

  • 2020-11-24 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Either offline attendance in the Chamber's office or online through Zoom
Members only

Does your enterprise transport dangerous good in China? Are you involved in hazardous management, EHS management, tracking of legal requirements or logistics for hazardous good?

We are delighted to invite you to attend our upcoming joint working group meeting on the safety of dangerous goods transport by road on 24th November, 14:00 – 17:30.

China’s transport ministry – along with five other ministries – published measures governing the safe transport of dangerous goods by road, which came into force on 1 January 2020. Currently, the transport of some disinfectants, perfumes and other small products containing chemicals, such as aerosols and chemical reagents, must be transported by specialist vehicles designed to move dangerous goods. The new measures, however, allow an exemption for small quantities of dangerous goods that meet certain requirements.

The European Chamber is honored to welcome Mr. Wu Jinzhong, Head of the expert group on road transport of dangerous goods, Ministry of transport, as well as industry professionals Ms. Jingzu Li, Project Director of Improve the Safety of Dangerous Goods Transportation in China of Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and Mr. Chenfeng Shen, General Manager of GBK China Co. Ltd. to share with our member their experience and insights on dangerous goods transportation management.

  • 2020-11-24 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • ZOOM Online & Onsite
Members only
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

ECHI Biannual General Manager Meeting

This is the second GM meeting of the ECHI in 2020.

  • 2020-11-20 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Office Shanghai
Members only

After 12 years’ waiting, the 4th version of the Patent Law with an aim of further motivating innovations and improving the mechanism for cracking down patent infringements was finally passed on October 17, 2020. The amended Chinese patent law will take effect on June 1, 2021. Second Amendments introduced pharmaceutical patent-term extensions and established an early pharmaceutical patent-dispute resolution mechanism and patent linkage system that further protects the rights of patentees.

The European Chamber is delighted to invite Ms Mi LI, Principal at Rouse and the IP Consulting Director of Rouse China in Beijing to break down the changes and challenges, as well as outlooks ahead for our members in the pharmaceutical sector.

  • 2020-11-20 | 14:00 - 15:40
  • Zoom Online Meeting & Rouse Office
Members only

The Finance & Taxation and Petrochemicals, Chemicals & Refining Working Groups are pleased to invite you to the meeting “Consumption Tax in China: Where Things Stand”, which is taking place on Wednesday, November 18th, 10:30-12:00 (China time), both online (via Zoom) and on-site at the European Chamber’s Shanghai office.

  • 2020-11-18 - 2020-11-18 | 10:30 - 12:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Zoom
Members only

TITLE: Presentation of the European Union Chamber’s of Commerce in China Shanghai Position Paper

TITULO: Presentación del Shanghai Position Paper de la Cámara de Comercio de la Unión Europea en China

Date and Time: Wednesday, 18th November 2020, 2:00pm-4:00pm | Fecha y Hora: Miércoles 18 de noviembre de 2020, de 14:00 a 16:00

Venue | Lugar del evento : Oficina Economica y Comercial de la Embajada de España (ICEX)

Language | Idioma del evento: This event will take place in Spanish language with English slides.

Este evento es en español; los materiales de la presentación son en Inglés.

How to register | Registro: Participation is free. To register please contact Ms Laura Alvarez Mendivil at | Este evento es gratuito. Para registrarse contacten con la Sra. Laura Álvarez Mendívil:

  • 2020-11-18 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Oficina Economica y Comercial de la Embajada de España (ICEX)