
Policy updates on Intellectual Property Protection Regulations and Immigration Regulations in Tianjin

  • 2019-12-18 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • 4/F Conference Room, Tianjin Bureau of Commerce


  • 2019-12-13 | 18:00 - 20:30
  • 路德维格DK1308 啤酒坊 三层

Full-day Training in Chinese: How to Write Business English Email Efficiently

  • 2019-12-12 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • Dalian Meeting Room, 3F, Kempinski Hotel Chongqing 重庆凯宾斯基酒店3楼大连厅

Business writing

  • 2019-12-11 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Opal Room, 2F, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 二楼欧泊厅

Is your organization struggling with high turn over? Is your core competency team loosing valuable talent? You have used all traditional tools as retention countermeasures and yet it did not help?

  • 2019-12-06 | 13:10 - 17:30
  • 3/F Meeting Room

How to control legal risks for foreign business in China

  • 2019-12-03 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • The Metro, 24F, Tower A, Raffles Office 来福士办公楼A座24楼小礼堂

How to control legal risks for foreign business in China

  • 2019-12-02 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Residence Lounge, 5F, Tianfu Square Serviced Suites by Lanson Place 逸兰富力服务式公寓 5楼会所区

掌握思维导图, 可以通过图文结合的方法,让我们做到条理清晰、思路开阔,从而提升工作效率,创造性的解决工作问题 。

  • 2019-11-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The year of 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In the new era, Chengdu is shouldering the great mission of building an international gateway hub that connects the east and west, and links Europe and Asia. With the open attitude, world pattern, international vision and global perspective, Chengdu actively integrates and serves the Belt and Road Initiative, spares no effort to create a first-class international business environment, and accelerates the construction of the city that fully embodies the new development concept, striving to realize Chengdu's "Three-Step" strategic goals in the new era, and accelerating the formation of a new three-dimensional and comprehensive opening pattern of "four-direction expansion and all-region opening up".


With the theme of "Co-constructing the ILSTC, Co-creating New Hubs of Openness, and Co-shar- ing New Opportunities for Cooperation", and centering on "New Rules, New Channels and New Trends", the Fair explores the new features, challenges and opportunities of current global investment and trade, vigorously promoting the all-round cooperation between western regions represented by Chengdu and EU countries in the field of investment and trade.


  • 2019-11-11 | 09:30 - 17:00
  • Business & Innovation Centre for China-Europe Cooperation (CCEC) 中国-欧洲中心


  • 2019-11-08 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Conference Room