Travelling from Europe to China: HDC Code and Visa Application Update Go back »

2022-06-14 | All chapters

Travelling from Europe to China: HDC Code and Visa Application Update

By end of May 2022, Chinese embassies in many European countries have updated their Health Declaration Certificate (HDC) code application requirements, stating that people (no matter vaccinated or not) who are travelling to China need to take two PCR tests (and one antigen test in some countries) within 48 hours (some require 12 or 24 hours) before boarding – instead of the previously required one PCR test and one IgM test. For those who have infection record, lung X-ray or CT is not required any more.

The European Chamber was informed during a meeting with Shanghai Vice Mayor Zong Ming on 6th June, that the requirement for PU letters would be rescinded for foreign nationals returning for work and their dependents, an initiative from the central government to promote company operations. Official announcements confirming this policy shift were subsequently published from 10th to 14th June on the websites of Chinese embassies in some European countries, including Austria, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania and Switzerland.

The European Chamber has collected relevant information from the websites of the Chinese embassies in fourteen European countries and developed a flowchart to help readers have a general understanding of the HDC code application process in different situations when travelling from Europe to China (download high resolution chart here). Detailed requirements may vary from country to country. Please refer to each country’s regulation (see links below) in individual cases.


European Member States


关于调整外国人赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-11

关于调整健康码/健康状况声明书办理要求的通知, 2022-05-20





关于优化外国人赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-10

自捷克始发赴华人员申领健康码/健康状况声明书有关要求汇编(最新版), 2022-05-16




Notice Regarding Adjustments in Chinese Visa Application Procedures for Foreign Nationals, 2022-06-13

Notice Regarding the "Health Code" or "Health Declaration QR-Code" For Passengers Flying to China Updated, 2022-06-01

Passengers departing from or transiting via Finland to China, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated for COVID-19, are to undergo two PCR nucleic acid tests at testing clinics designated by the embassy within 48 hours of departure (the tests may be done at two different institutions on the same day; or they may be done by the same institution with a minimum period of 24 hours between each test). The sample for the second PCR test is to be taken within 12 hours of departure. If this time constraint cannot be met, the sample is to be taken within 24 hours of departure, and an additional antigen test is to be taken by a designated testing institution within 12 hours of departure. With regard to infants, please consult the medical professionals providing the testing, and if testing is not appropriate or needed, a certificate stating so from the testing institution is required.



关于调整赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-13

自法国搭乘航班赴华人员申请健康码须知, 2022-05-20

自法国搭乘航班赴华的中、外籍乘客,须在法国指定机构进行双核酸检测(检测时效为12小时),并向中国驻法国使领馆申领绿色健康码。其中,鉴于南航航班为中午,法国始发乘客可在前一天下午检测,并在起飞当日增加一次抗原检测(Test Antigénique)。



关于调整外籍人员赴华签证申请手续的通知, 2022-06-10

关于调整赴华人员登机前新冠肺炎检测要求的通知, 2022-05-24




Notice on Updating the Health Declaration Code Application Requirement for Passengers Traveling to China from Greece, 2022-05-19

All passengers departing from Greece to China (including those who have been vaccinated with inactivated vaccines or non-inactivated vaccines, and those who have not been vaccinated or not fully vaccinated), please complete two PCR tests within 48 hours before boarding.



关于调整自匈出发赴华人员申请健康码相关检测要求的通知, 2022-05-19




关于调整从卢森堡出发赴华远端检测规定的通知, 2022-05-25




从荷兰乘机赴华旅客检测及健康码申请最新要求, 2022/05/16




关于调整赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-14

关于关于调整赴华人员申领健康码要求的通知, 2022-05-19




关于调整、优化外国人赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-10

关于调整自波兰搭乘航班赴华人员相关检测要求的通知, 2022-05-17




关于优化外国人赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-14

关于调整自罗马尼亚赴华人员健康码要求的通知, 2022-05-18

所有拟自罗马尼亚赴华人员(无论是否接种疫苗)均须在航班起飞前2天和1天内,分别在两家不同指定检测机构(名单见附件1)各完成1次核酸RT-PCR检测(SARS-COV-2 RT-PCR test),并凭两份核酸RT-PCR阴性报告向我馆申请健康码。


Other European states


关于适当调整赴华签证政策的通知, 2022-06-13

关于调整自瑞士赴华人员行前检测要求的通知, 2022-05-18




Notice on Simplified Requirements for the Application of Health Declaration Certificate for Passengers form UK to China (2022-05-27)

Passengers from the UK to China need to take two PCR tests for COVID-19 within 48 hours of their departure from the UK; At least one of the tests must be taken within 12 hours of departure from the UK.



  1. It is provided for informational purposes only. The European Chamber does not accept responsibility for any omission, error or inaccuracy in this document or any action taken in reliance thereon.
  2. This is based on information publicly available on the websites of Chinese embassies in Europe. Policies are subject to frequent changes. All details need to be verified in each individual case.
  3. Detailed requirements may vary from country to country. Please refer to each country’s regulation in individual cases.