MIIT Minister References Chamber CM2025 Report Go back »

2017-03-21 | All chapters

During the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) press conference on 11th March, Minister Miao Wei responded to questions from China Daily about the European Chamber’s China Manufacturing 2025 (CM2025) report. He said that after fully evaluating the report, he found some of the suggestions provided by the European Chamberto be helpful. He claimed that the market is the driving force behind the CM2025 initiative and that China is not forcing companies to transfer technology in exchange for market access. He also highlighted that both domestic and foreign companies should be treated equally under the CM2025 initiative.

A New York Times article later reported that on 19th March, at the China Development Forum, Minister Miao of the MIIT highlighted again that CM2025 is not meant to protect China’s companies from outside competition and said that “we still open up and welcome foreign companies to China”. He also noted that China emphasises local content in certain areas where China has the demand for some equipment that is restricted for export in developed countries.

This article also quotes President Wuttke’s response to Minister Miao, stating that, ‘While many countries, including China, do have such export rules, he noted that they affected a tiny share of high-tech goods. “With 30 billion euros in E.U. exports of high tech to mainland China, plus another 6 billion euros’ worth to Hong Kong, it is difficult to claim that we apply any export restriction,” Mr Wuttke said.'

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