Local News

2024-06-05 > All chapters

Southwest China Chapter Held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor

Southwest China Chapter held 2024 European Chamber Gala Ball - A Night of Timeless Splendor in Chengdu

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2021-09-03 > South China

European Companies Make Outstanding Contributions to South China

3rd September 2021, Shenzhen – The European Chamber South China Chapter today recognised companies’ outstanding contributions to the South China region at an award ceremony in Shenzhen attended by business leaders, local government and media.

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2021-09-03 > South China

European companies committed to South China, seek improvements to the business environment

The European Chamber South China Chapter launched the Business Confidence Survey 2021. The report details European companies’ outlook on the business environment over the next two years and highlights the key challenges they face.

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2021-06-02 > South China

Business Advisory for Members Regarding Power Shortage Issues

Recently, some member companies of the Manufacturing Forum, European Chamber South China Chapter, have faced the same imposed power cuts by authorities across Guangdong Province which will likely continue for the upcoming months.

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2009-09-08 > All chapters

Chamber President on CCTV 2 talks about G20 Finance Ministers Meeting

Chamber President Joerg Wuttke on CCTV 2 talks about G20 Finance Ministers Meeting.

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2009-09-03 > All chapters

CCTV 9 reports European Chamber's Position Paper 2009/2010

Position Paper 2009/2010 reported on CCTV 9's Biz China

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2009-08-05 > All chapters

AmCham China Podcast interview with European Chamber President

AmCham China's podcast "China Brief Insight" talked to European Chamber President about the European Chamber Business Confidence Survey 2009.

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2009-07-22 > All chapters

CCTV 2 Interview with Chamber President

An interview with European Chamber President on CCTV2's "Economic 30 Minutes"

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2009-07-05 > All chapters

SOHU Interview with Chamber Secretary General

SOHU interviewed Secretary General of the European Chamber Dirk Moens during the Global Think Tank Summit on 4th July 2009.

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