Advocacy Actions

2020-12-08 > Shanghai

Working Group Meeting with Lin Qi from Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

On 8th December, Mr Qi LIN from the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Legislative Affairs Commission introduced the considerations during the legislation process of the Shanghai Anti-unfair Competition Regulations.

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2020-12-07 > All chapters

Follow-up meeting with the European Commission's DG COMP on the European Chamber's feedback on the White Paper on Foreign Subsidies

On Monday, 7th December, a group of European Chamber Executive Committee representatives led by European Chamber Secretary General Adam Dunnett had a discussion with DG COMP representatives on the European Chamber's feedback submission to the White Paper on Foreign Subsidies.

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2020-12-03 > All chapters

Cosmetic Avdisory Committee Annual Meeting 2020 with National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIDFC)

Cosmetic Avdisory Committee Annual Meeting 2020 with National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) and National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (NIDFC) discussed CSAR secondary legislations drafting and implementation

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2020-12-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Domestic Agents of Overseas Marketing Authorization Holders (Trial) to the National Medical Products Administration

European Chamber Pharmaceutical working group submitted comments on the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Domestic Agents of Overseas Marketing Authorization Holders (Trial) to the NMPA

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2020-12-01 > Beijing, Shanghai

Conference-call with CBIRC on Cross-selling Insurance Products

Many foreign insurance companies do not hold a cross selling qualification in China, whereas in the past, foreign insurance companies that have obtained this qualification only aim at selected business lines. As old-style applications for cross-selling licenses were stopped while back members have been in a kind of vacuum on this matter. In this conference-call, the progress on re-open applications for cross-selling of insurance products for insurance companies was discussed. It was also discussed what consumer finance companies and auto finance companies that wish to act as an intermediate of insurance and expect to see in terms of regulatory developments.

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2020-11-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the SAMR on Guidelines for Anti-monopoly in the Field of Platform Economy (Draft for Comment)

The Legal and Compliance WGs submitted comments to the SAMR on Guidelines for Anti-monopoly in the Field of Platform Economy (Draft for Comment).

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2020-11-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments on Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Drug Sales to the National Medical Products Administration

European Chamber Pharmaceutical working group submitted comments on Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Drug Sales to the NMPA

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2020-11-30 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter to the Department of General Operation, General Administration of Customs China (GACC) Posing Questions on the New Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists

The European Chamber sent a letter to the Department of General Operation, General Administration of Customs China (GACC) posing questions on the new to-be-released Commercial Cryptography Import Licence and Export Control Lists.

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2020-11-30 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with Commission Deputy Director-General Khalil Rouhana

On Monday, 30th November, a number of industry representatives of the European Chamber led by President Joerg Wuttke met with the Deputy Director-General for DG CONNECT Mr Khalil Rouhana.

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2020-11-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted input to NEA for Energy 14th Five-Year Plan

On 26 November, the European Chamber's Energy Working Group submitted its 2020/2021 Position Paper to the National Energy Administration Development Planning Department.

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