Advocacy Actions

2021-06-02 > Beijing, Shanghai

EU-China Intellectual Property Working Group Industry Session Meeting

The EU-China Intellectual Property Working Group Industry Session meeting was held on 2 June.

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2021-02-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the NPC on the Second Draft of the Amendments on the Copyright Law

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the NPC on the Second Draft of the Amendments on the Copyright Law

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2021-01-18 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the Draft Administrative Measures for National Standards

On 18th January 2021, the European Chamber submitted comments on the SAMR’s Administrative Measures for National Standards (Draft for Comments)

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2021-01-05 > All chapters

Chief Negotiator for CAI debriefs European Chamber representatives on the Agreement

On 5th January, Chief Negotiator for the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) Ms Maria Martin Prat and her team debriefed a group of Chamber industry representatives on the key points of the Agreement.

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2020-12-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the SMPC on the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Regulations

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the SMPC on the Shanghai Intellectual Property Protection Regulations.

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2020-12-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Online Meeting with SAMR and CNIPA on Intellectual Property Issues

On Monday, 21st December, European Chamber IPR working group chairs Mr Filippo Sticconi, Mr Reinout van Malenstein, and Mr Yajun Bai met with the delegation of officials from the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) to discuss IP concerns share by member companies. Together online are representatives from the EU Delegation Trade Office Ms Helene Juramy and Ms Liu Qi.

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2020-12-16 > Shanghai

Meeting with the Vice President of Shanghai High People's Court

On 16th December, Mr Carlo D’Andrea, Vice President and Chairman of the Shanghai Board together with the Dr Michael Tan, National Chair of the Legal Working Group as well as Mr Reinout van Malenstein, National Vice Chair of IPR Working Group met with Mr Mao Ronghua, Vice President of Shanghai High People's Court.

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2020-12-10 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the CNIPA on the Guidelines for Patent Examination (Second Batch of Draft for Comment)

The Legal and IPR WGs submitted comments to the CNIPA on the Guidelines for Patent Examination (Second Batch of Draft for Comment)

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2020-12-08 > Shanghai

Working Group Meeting with Lin Qi from Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

On 8th December, Mr Qi LIN from the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Legislative Affairs Commission introduced the considerations during the legislation process of the Shanghai Anti-unfair Competition Regulations.

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2020-11-26 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration DDG Yang Hui

On 26th November, European Chamber Shanghai Chapter General Manager Dr Ioana Kraft visited the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration (SIPA) together with IPR working group chair Filippo Sticonni and vice chair Reinout van Malenstein. They were greeted by the SIPA Deputy Director General Yang Hui and his colleagues.

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