Advocacy Actions

2024-04-15 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE

On 15th April, a delegation of European Chamber representatives led by President Jens Eskelund met with Joanna Szychowska, Director at DG TRADE, and other visiting officials.

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2024-01-19 > All chapters

Meeting with State Administration for Market Regulation

On 19th January 2024, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China participated a roundtable discussion on continuously optimizing business environment and facilitating high quality development at the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR).

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2024-01-07 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment)

On 7th January, the European Chamber submitted comments on the CAC's Management Measures for Reporting Cybersecurity Incidents (Draft for Comment).

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2023-01-06 > Beijing, National

Comment to SAMR on Notice of Public Consultation on the Guidelines for Enforcement of Absolutist Terms in Advertising (Draft for Comments)

The Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Dairy Industry and Pediatric Nutrition Sub-working Groups, Compliance and Business Ethics Working Group, Cosmetics Working Group, Fashion and Leather Desk submitted collated comments to State Administration for Marketing Regulation on The Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Dairy Industry and Pediatric Nutrition Sub-working Groups submitted collated comments to State Administration for Marketing Regulation on Regulations (SAMR) on the Supervision and Management of Enterprises' Implementation of the Main Responsibility for Food Safety (Draft for Comments).

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2022-09-09 > All chapters

European Chamber Attended CCPIT 2022 Third-quarter Roundtable with Foreign Businesses

On 9th September, European Chamber attended the quarterly online roundtable with foreign chambers and enterprises for the third quarter of 2022, hosted by the Department of Development Research of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2022-07-26 > National

In-person Meeting with Department of Foreign Economic Relations of Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC)

On 26th July, the Vice-Director-General of Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations of DRC, Zhang Qi received and welcomed a European Chamber delegation led by Ziting Zhang, Head of Government Affairs. The Director-General thanked the European Chamber representatives for joining this meeting and the contributions of foreign investment in China.

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2022-05-13 > All chapters

CCPIT Online Roundtable on Current Situation of Foreign Investment in China

On 13th May, the Department of Development Research of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the European Chamber co-organised an online roundtable on the situation for European business in China under the recent COVID-19 containment measures.

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2021-01-18 > All chapters

Phone call with Damien PLAN, Agricultural Counsellor of the EUD

On behalf of the AFB WG, the WG coordinator called Damien to follow up with the unsolved issue about the Genetically Modified Micro-organisms (GMM) approval procedure in China.

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2021-01-18 > All chapters

European Chamber submits comments on the Draft Administrative Measures for National Standards

On 18th January 2021, the European Chamber submitted comments on the SAMR’s Administrative Measures for National Standards (Draft for Comments)

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2020-09-29 > All chapters

Video call with the Agricultural Counsellor of the EUD to China on GMM issue

Representatives from the AFB WG had a meeting with Damien Plan, the Agricultural Counsellor of the EUD to China.

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