Member Directory

BA TechWorks is a 50/50 Joint-Venture between BMW and Archermind. Our mission is to develop inspiring digital driving experience, including but not limited to autonomous driving, next generation infotainment...

  • Germany
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  • MNC
Southwest China > Automotive

BMW China Services Ltd. Chongqing Branch

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

戴姆勒(中国)商用车投资有限公司(“Daimler Truck China Limited”-下称“DTC”)于2019年1月24日在北京注册成立。 DTC是德国注册的戴姆勒卡车股份公司(“Daimler Truck AG”)在中国的全资子公司。DTC在华下属两家子公司。其中戴姆勒卡客车(中国)有限公司,是DTC的全资子公司,主要负责戴姆勒卡客车业务在中国的进口和分销运营。北京福田戴姆勒汽车有限公司是DT...

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Based in Brussels, ACEA is the organization representing the interests and the views of 18 major European vehicle manufacturers. ACEA Beijing, est.2004, is an active interlocutor of the Chinese authorities...

  • Belgium
  • 1 - 250
  • Associations