Member Directory

Southwest China > Chemicals/Other

Merck Serono Co., Ltd. Chongqing

  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • MNC

Founded 1976 in Hong Kong for the production of household coffeemakers as HongDa China Company Ltd. and after moving the production to Mainland China in 1991, it became a 50/50 Joint Venture with Miele...

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Manufacturing and promotion of pharmaceutical Products

Exportation of pharmaceutical Products to other Asian markets

  • France
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Maintenance,repair and overhaul for aero-engines, manufacture relevant parts;offer storage and customs clearance for re-exported aviation equipments,temporarily stored aviation materials as well as other...

  • France
  • 1 - 250
  • Chamber

Manufacturing of electronic components; Wholesale of electronic components; Retail of electronic components; Manufacturing of electrical and electronic components; Sales of electrical and electronic components;...

  • Japan
  • 1000+
  • MNC

Manufacture and sales of sensor products and engaging projects in automation industry.

  • Germany
  • 1000+
  • MNC