Member Directory

Beijing > Aerospace

Airbus Helicopters

Airbus Helicopters, a division of Airbus Group, is the world's largest helicopeter manufacturer. In 2013, Airbus Helicopters leads the industry with 497 helicopters delivery, representing a 46% market...

  • France
  • 250 - 1000
  • MNC

The Qi Group of companies began 10 years ago with the founding of International Smart Card, Our ecosystem is a group of companies that provide ancillary services or complimentary services that give the...

  • 1 - 250
  • SME

Eye care and aesthetic area including pharm & medical device.
Pharm: Eye care and BOTOX
Medical device: Breast Implants and Injection fillers.

  • United States of America
  • Not specified
  • MNC

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • MNC

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • MNC

  • Belgium
  • Not specified
  • MNC

ANKER, a long-standing specialist in woven carpets, which can be found around the world in countless office buildings, hotels and numerous public buildings. ANKER sets benchmarks industry-wide in terms...

  • Germany
  • Not specified
  • SME
Nanjing > Hotel

Ansgar Schlemmer


  • Germany
  • 1 - 250
  • MNC

APCO is China’s leading consulting firm with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong.APCO uses its expertise in investment facilitation, government relations, strategic communications, a...

  • United States of America
  • 250 - 1000
  • SME
Beijing > Computer/Technology/IT


AppInChina is a leading publisher of international software in China, publishing over 300 of the world’s most popular apps and SaaS platforms in the Chinese market.

  • China
  • 1 - 250
  • SME