European Business in China Position Paper 2022/2023


The European Business in China Position Paper (Position Paper) is the European Chamber's most important publication and the cornerstone of its annual advocacy plan. Compiled by its 41working groups, sub-working groups and fora over a six-month period, the 967 constructive recommendations contained in the Position Paper illustrate both the depth of the challenges faced by European companies in China and their commitment to improving the business environment.

This year’s Executive Position Paper outlines how, over the last year, there has been a significant shift in focus at the headquarters (HQs) of European companies when evaluating China.

Where discussions once centred primarily on investment opportunities, they are now focussed on building supply chain resilience, the challenges of doing business, the risks of reputational damage and ensuring global compliance.

Facing mounting internal and external challenges, Chinese policymaking has shifted. By now prioritising ideology over economic concerns, China’s business environment is becoming less predictable, reliable and efficient.

Opportunities for European companies in China remain, but they must now develop strategies to deal with an ever-growing list of risks, stemming from both emerging legislation—within and outside of China—and geopolitical developments.

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Publication title
European Business in China Position Paper 2022/2023 - 欧盟企业在中国建议书2022/2023
Executive Position Paper 2022/2023 - 欧盟企业在中国建议书2022/2023-总体建议
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