Weekly NFM WG Policy Update Go back »

2009-05-08 | Beijing, Shanghai

Non Ferrous Metal Working Group -  News Update     Title  Link Date  Summary Source: China is in the process of making stimulus Plan for New Energy Recourse http://www.cnmn.com.cn/ShowNews.aspx?id=15954 5-May-09 The plan is expected to improve the overall standards. The framework will be in line with the 11th 5 years plan NDRC: 1.3Million Tons over capacity  for 3 types of Non Ferrous Metals expected to be elimintated this year  http://www.cnmn.com.cn/ShowNews.aspx?id=15868 4-May-09 The overcapacity of 3 types of NFM (Copper, Lead, Zinc) are Expected to be eliminated 1.3 Million Tons  this year NDRC Set the standards to eliminating the over capacity in Iron Steel, Petro-Chemical, NFM, Light Industry, Texitle industries for next 3 years http://www.caijing.com.cn/2009-05-04/110159423.html 5-May-09 copper smelting production overcapacity will be eliminated 0.3 million Tons, Lead Smelting will be eliminated 0.6 million tons, Zinc Smelting will be eliminated 0.4 million. By the end of 2010, the over capacity for Small Prebaked Anode Cell for Aluminum Electrolysis will be eliminated 0.8 million tons
China is in the process of making 3 type of products with duty-exemption; detailed plan will be published soon http://finance.jrj.com.cn/2009/04/3009594892763.shtml
30-Apr-09 3 types of goods includes: 1) goods that exporting enterprises fail to report for applying for tax refund (exemption) within the prescribed period; 2) goods that although exporting enterprises have reported for applying for tax refund (exemption), yet they fail to supply the deficiency of the relevant documentation proof of the goods within the prescribed period; 3)goods except for those under the 4 categories deemed as self-produced goods that manufacturing enterprises export China Nonferrous Metal to buy into Australia's Lynas http://www.chinaknowledge.com/Newswires/News_Detail.aspx?type=1&NewsID=23264 5-May-09   Export Country becomes import country  Expcted to further increase the Export Tax Rebates for Iron and Steel http://bt.xinhuanet.com/2009-04/29/content_16389301.htm 29-Apr-09 Although the new steel export rebate rate has been carried out since Aril 1st, the export situation in March has already attracted great attention from related departments. The state is considering adjusting the tariff of steel, increasing the export rebate rate and enlarging the catalogue of export rebate.
CNIA hopes government could further increase the export tax rebates for Aluminum products http://www.cnmn.com.cn/ShowNews.aspx?id=15635 28-Apr-09 urges government to Increase export rebate rates for the Aluminum products to 17% SCLAO announce the NFM Stiumulus Plan  http://finance.ce.cn/macro/gdxw/200905/11/t20090511_14555273.shtml 11-May-09