European Chamber welcomes the implementing rules of the Labour Contract Law Go back »

2008-09-28 | All chapters

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China welcomes the implementing rules of the Labour Contract Law

Beijing, 28th September 2008. On 18th September, the State Council issued the long-anticipated Implementing Rules for the Labour Contract Law. The rules became effective immediately. The 38 articles' regulation offers guidance for the implementation of the Labour Contract Law which has been effective since 1st January 2008. They cover such issues as conclusion and termination of labour contracts as well as special provisions on placement.

The Chamber welcomes the new rules which we hope will clarify confusion surrounding the implementation of the law and will prevent further overreactions both by employers and employees. Joerg Wuttke, President of the European Chamber commented "Member companies have been trying very hard to adapt their labour contracts and their processes for labour administration, in order to comply with the new law. It is hoped that the new rules will offer the guidance and clarification which will help them to achieve this and deal with their employees in a fair and lawful way, as well as in the best interests of their businesses."

The implementing rules, however, contain omissions for clarification on significant provisions of the Labour Contract law such as the consultation process for company rules and regulations, (Article 4 of the Labour Contract Law) leaving employers with no guidance as to how to fulfil the obligation to consult with employees in relation to company handbooks, rules and policies. Further, the rules do not seem to contain any clause regulating how an employer shall deal with the required notification to the trade union in case of termination of a labour contract, if the company itself has not set up a trade union. It is hoped that additional rules clarifying these issues will follow soon.

The European Chamber has been involved in the regulatory process by providing comments to the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office on the May 2008 draft Implementing Regulations and is keen to provide further input.

To download this press release, please click here

For further information, please contact:
Grace Yao, Press Officer of the European Chamber
Phone: +86 10 6462 2066 - 30
Mobile: +86 1367 1168 084







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Xinhe Fan