Archive for 2018

South China > Training



  • 2018-12-28 - 2018-12-29 | 09:00 - 18:30
  • Haikou会议室

Leadership only works for “LEADER”?Not exactly. Everyone needs to possess the skill of leadership. Even if it is an independent individual, one needs to be responsible for its own affairs. Responsibility reflects leadership. Key of Leadership——When one faces with challenges and obstacles, how can he/she ensure that their teams are always ready for their best to go through obstacles and achieve goals? How and when can leadership demonstrate? As the leader of the company, the team expects you to point out the way forward in the future. How can we lead everyone in an initial faith without elimination? Regular learning and updating are new requirements for human beings nowadays. What we need are cross-disciplinary integration talents instead of experts with single skills. How can we plan our future brighter and lead our staff according to their own qualifications?

  • 2018-12-20 - 2018-12-21 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland Guangzhou office

In this seminar, the participants will be able to master the basics and principles of project management, learn the tools and methods for successful project management, build up project management soft skills, gain practical exercise with the guidance of the trainer

  • 2018-12-17 - 2018-12-19 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Miele Dongguan

Indirect areas (Purchasing, Controlling, Human Resources, Finance, Sales, IT, Customer Service, etc.) need to be optimized towards high excellence in the same way as applied in manufacturing areas. Enormous potential for improvement can be found at all functions and at cross-functional processes by the application of Lean principles. The goals in indirect areas are likewise similar to those in manufacturing areas, such as increasing productivity, reducing lead times, improving quality and developing high-performance teams.

  • 2018-12-05 - 2018-12-05 | 08:30 - 17:30
  • Training Room No. 104

现在越来越多的企业管理人员意识到:批量生产阶段的大部分的质量问题是由于前期的策划不好导致的,但是如何 提高前期策划的质量是一直困扰管理人员的大问题,APQP是美国三大汽车公司联合开发的产品先期质量策划的指南,PPAP是生产件批准程序,提出了批量生产所必需满足的要求,APQP 及 PPAP 得到了汽车行业的主机厂及其 供应链的普遍认可并被广泛采用,用于指导企业的前期策划。 本课程是为了帮助企业新产品开发和质量管理相关人员学习 APQP 及 PPAP 而开发的,课程通过模拟新产品的开发过程让学员通过小组研讨和演练 APQP 的全过程,使学员真正理解和掌握 APQP 和PPAP 的每一步的目的和实施要点,从而帮助企业提高实施先期质量策划的有效性和效率,确保新产品开发项目满足顾客及企业各种要求,有效避免和减少批量生产所遇到的各种质量问题。

  • 2018-04-23 - 2018-04-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland (Guangdong)

为确保快速准确满足顾客对新产品的要求,对产品质量的先期策划及准确的提交相关文件会增强客户满意。基于丰富的实践经验及各整车厂的要求,本课程将提供更多运用的案例,提升 APQP 及 PPAP 的应用能力。

  • 2018-04-19 - 2018-04-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen)

The Human Resources Forum invites HR professionals to participate in the training focusing on key terms of the employment contract from which labour disputes often arise.

  • 2018-04-12 | 14:00 - 18:00
  • Courtesy of Star Rapid Manufacturing (Zhongshan)

The Human Resources Forum invites HR professionals to participate in the training focusing on key terms of the employment contract from which labour disputes often arise.

  • 2018-04-11 | 14:00 - 18:00
  • Courtesy of ANDRITZ (Foshan)

The Human Resources Forum invites HR professionals to participate in the training focusing on key terms of the employment contract from which labour disputes often arise.

  • 2018-04-10 | 14:00 - 18:00
  • Courtesy of Miele (Dongguan)