Archive for 2017

One Belt One Road

  • 2017-09-28 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Chengdu 2+3 Room, 5F, Chengdu Marriott Hotel Financial Centre 成都首座万豪酒店5楼 成都2+3厅

Live streaming is real-time, interactive and significant internet content. Different from the traditional texts, pictures, videos and other forms of communication, live streaming brings the customers and content closer, often with the customers being part of the production of the content. One of the biggest selling points is that it allows the direct interaction with customers by actively engaging with the anchor, timely conveying the concerned topics to the widest possible public in a face-to-face manner, which could not be achieved in the traditional marketing approach.

  • 2017-09-21 | 14:00 - 17:15
  • PwC Innovation Centre
Shanghai > Forums

Wechat Marketing for B2B

This session aims to help marketers in B2B companies to answer the questions that has long been obsessing them since the very beginning of Wechat official account.

  • 2017-08-30 | 16:30 - 18:00
  • European Chamber, Shanghai Office