Progetto CMR to speak at "Visions of Work" Go back »

2018-11-28 | All chapters

Progetto CMR to speak at "Visions of Work"

Progetto CMR will join the “Vision of Work” roundtable organized by Assufficio to share views on the new era of smart working.

One month ago, Orgatec, the largest international exhibition dedicated to office spaces, took place in Cologne. Assufficio(the Italian Association of office furniture firms) takes the occasion to organize “Vision of Work”, a roundtable discussion where designers and market experts will share the trends and news of Orgatec and how the new products can meet the needs of the smart working era.

Giovanni Giacobone, Senior Associate and Manager of the Industrial Design division in Progetto CMR, will join the discussion, also showing the new products designed by Progetto CMR team and showed at Orgatec.

Source: Progetto CMR

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