Advocacy Actions

2021-12-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

International liner shipping Working Group's online Meeting with SAMR

On December 21st, the International Liner Shipping Working Group had an online meeting with SAMR, on the issues of port management, anti-bribery and anti-trust realm.

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2021-12-21 > Beijing

EU-China 2nd online seminar on the implementation of GACC Decree 248

The EU and China sides held the 2nd online seminar on the implementation of Decree 248 to provide further clarification on questions and issues raised by the EU Member States and European companies. Representatives from the EU Commission, EU Delegation, EU Member States Agricultural Counsellors, EU industry associations as well as European Chamber attended the meeting and had a fruitful discussion.

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2021-12-17 > Beijing

Site Visit to the Panasonic’s Matsushita Memorial Hall and Crisis Management Seminar

On 17th December, the GA Forum organized site visit to the Panasonic’s Matsushita Memorial Hall and had a Seminar on the Role of Government Affairs in Crisis Management of the European and Japanese Enterprises in China.

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2021-12-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

European Chamber financial services chairs join Shanghai Trade Counsellors Meeting

On Friday 17th December, the financial services working groups chairs joined Shanghai Trade Counsellors Meeting to give an overview of the developments in the financial sector over the year 2021

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2021-12-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Aviation and Aerospace WG meeting

The meeting shared the latest update on connectivity, review of working group activities in 2021 and plan for the next year. We also invited APP manager to share the update of upcoming meeting plan and discuss the potential cooperation with the working group.

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2021-12-17 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to NMPA on Material Safety Information Submission, Efficacy Evaluation, Transition Period and Labelling

On December 17th, Cosmetics Working Group sent a lobby Letter to NMPA on Material Safety Information Submission, Efficacy Evaluation, Transition Period and Labelling.

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2021-12-16 > Beijing, Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Board Chair Harald Kumpfert Attends CCPIT Government-Enterprise Dialogue on Optimizing the Business Environment in China

On 16th December, Harald Kumpfert, Board Chair of the Shenyang Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) attended the online event themed "Government-Enterprise Dialogue on Optimizing the Business Environment of China" and gave a key-note speech. The event was co-hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and the Government of Heilongjiang Province.

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2021-12-16 > Beijing

European Chamber Attends CCPIT Q4 FIEs Seminar

On 16th December, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) and its member representatives attended via video link the 2021 Fourth-Quarter Seminar on Foreign-Invested Enterprises, hosted by the Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2021-12-16 > Beijing

Joined the 4th Quarterly Meeting with CCPIT on Business Environment Development for Foreign Businesses

At the quarterly dialogue between CCPIT and industry, Chamber representative raised the concerns on behalf of the Automotive Working Group in the regard of government work plan on decarbonisation for automotive industry.

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2021-12-16 > All chapters

Quality and Safety Services (QSS) Sub-working Group Holds Internal Discussion on SAMR's Revised Draft of Regulations on Certification and Accreditation

On 16th December 2021, the Quality and Safety Services (QSS) Sub-working Group held an internal discussion on the Revised Draft of Regulations on Certification and Accreditation released by the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) to align comments to be submitted.

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