Advocacy Actions

2021-10-21 > Beijing

ILS Sub-working Group Met with the National Immigration Administration (NIA)

On 21st October, the European Chamber International Liner Shipping (ILS) Sub-working Group met with the National Immigration Administration (NIA). This is the first time that the ILS sub-working group held meeting with NIA and hoped that this would be the beginning to regular dialogue and exchanges in the future.

Division Director Gong Yao from the Division of Immigration Inspection of Department of Immigration Inspection and Border Control along with relevant officials from the same division attended the meeting. On the European Chamber side, ILS Vice-chair Tom Shi led the discussion.

At the meeting, attendants discussed the issue of omitting port call and the possible solutions to it. NIA officials participated in the discussion with an open and pragmatic mind, suggesting that, for the time being, foreign carriers can report to the previous port about its urgent omitting of the next port and it will be addressed in a case-by-case manner by the administration. Division Director Gong also proposed that in the coming future, trial ports can be used to address this matter.

Division Director Gong also expressed that NIA would like to learn the best practices from the European counterparts and hoped that a mutual communication channel would be formed between EU and China to provide better services to carriers.

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2021-10-20 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to NMPA on TOP 5 Core Topics

A lobby letter to NMPA on TOP 5 core topics European Chamber Cosmetics Working Group care the most.

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2021-10-20 > Beijing

Beijing’s Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Policy Implementation and Interpretation

On 20th October, the GA Forum has invited the Deputy director of Beijing Climate Change Research Centre to share the Beijing’s Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Policy Implementation and interpretation.

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2021-10-20 > Beijing

Finance & Taxation CFO Roundtable

On 20th October 2021, The Finance & Taxation Working Group (BJ Chapter) of the European Chamber held the CFO Roundtable at Microsoft Beijing. The CFO Roundtable is a signature event of the Finance & Taxation (F&T) Working Group that takes place quarterly.

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2021-10-20 > Beijing

Workshop with the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on Guideline for Clinical Data Submission for Invitro-Diagnostic Products

Workshop with the Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on Guideline for Clinical Data Submission for Invitro-Diagnostic Products

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2021-10-19 > All chapters

European Chamber submits input for the EU-China Standardisation Working Group

On 19th October representatives from the European Chamber's Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group submitted a briefing document to DG GROW on the key concerns and recommendations of European industry regarding standardisation. This input was presented ahead of the annual EU-China dialogue on standardisation issues.

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2021-10-19 > Beijing

European Chamber Meeting with Minister WANG Wentao of Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)

On 19th October, Minister Wang Wentao received a European Chamber delegation led by President Wuttke at the Ministry of Commerce, the first foreign business delegation he has received in person since the COVID outbreak. Minister Wang thanked the European Chamber for its hard work in helping European business to better understand China, while acting as bridge between European business and the Chinese Government. He also spoke highly of Chamber’s annual Position Paper and expressed a strong interest in addressing the concerns raised by members. President Wuttke thanked the Minister for the strong support provided to European business in China, particularly MOFCOM’s special task force for foreign business that helped many companies to resume operations after disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic.

President Wuttke believes that this meeting demonstrates China’s commitment to further open up, and hopes it will give confidence to European business community at such a difficult time. The issues he raised during the meeting include China’s power shortage, dual circulation strategy, carbon neutrality and clean energy, among others.

Minister Wang thanked the Chamber for raising these points and said that China welcomes European business to bring their expertise and advanced technology to support China in solving the challenges it faces in these areas.

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2021-10-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Green Building Development Division Chief PhD Liang Hao

On Tuesday 19th October, the vice chair of the European Chamber's Construction Working group met with the Chief of the Green Building Development Division under the Center of Science and Technology & Industrialization Development (CSTID).

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2021-10-18 > Beijing

Participation in the 4th International Seminar of BRI and Low-carbon Energy

Based on the successful experience of international training from the past, the Chinese Academy of Social sciences (CASS) held the 4th International Seminar on Belt and Road Initiative with Low-carbon Energy during the period between October 18th and 27th in 2021, which is an annually program of CASS. The seminar invited participants from countries along BRI and focused on topics such as Chinese economy, international energy cooperation, global energy governance, carbon neutralizing and renewable energy. The main contents included lectures and discussion, visiting related NGOs, companies and local governments.

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2021-10-17 > Beijing

Regulation Debriefing on GACC Overseas Manufactures Registration of Imported Foods

In April 2021, the General Administration of Customs in China (GACC) released Regulation on Registration Administration of Overseas Manufactures of Imported Foods (Decree 248) and Administrative Measures on Safety of Import and Export Food (Decree 249). Under these two Decrees, all companies importing food into China, especially the manufactures of imported foods, need to comply with the new requirements by Jan 1, 2022. To support the fluid registration of overseas manufacturers of imported foods, the European Chamber organises a series of training sessions focussing on ‘GACC Overseas Manufacturers’ Registration of Imported Foods’ on the registration rules as well as the registration system. The first session on October 17 provided a debriefing on both Decrees.

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