Advocacy Actions

2024-08-30 > All chapters

Comments Submitted to the NTCAS on the Technical Specifications of Remote Service and Management Systems for Electric Vehicles

On 30th August the European Chamber submitted comments on the Technical Specifications of Remote Service and Management Systems for Electric Vehicles.

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2024-08-30 > Beijing

Submitted Comments to the Radio Regulation Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)on the Radar Radio Management Provisions (Trial) (Draft for Comments)

On 30th August, the Cybersecurity sub-Working Group submitted comments to the Radio Regulation Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the Radar Radio Management Provisions (Trial) (Draft for Comments). Members from the ICT, Automotive and Auto components WGs suggested to add 57-64GHz to the frequency ranges for short-range detection radars and unmanned aerial vehicle-borne radars to use on an unlicensed basis.

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2024-07-09 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Chair Delivers Keynote Speech on Carbon Neutrality at Automotive Low-carbon Development Forum

Wang Pei, chair of the Automotive Working Group, delivered a keynote speech on carbon neutrality at the Automotive Industry Low Carbon Action Plan Development Forum 2024.

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2024-07-05 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Chair Leads Delegation to Beijing Autonomous Driving Zone

Members meet with the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office.

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2024-05-21 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Chair Meets with European Union Delegation

On 21st May, Automotive Working Group Chair Wang Pei met with the Delegation of the European Union to the People’s Republic of China to discuss the latest policy challenges that the European automotive industry is facing in China.

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2024-03-26 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Meets with European Union Delegation

Automotive Working Group Chair Wang Pei met with the European Union Delegation to discuss the latest priorities for the working group.

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2024-03-20 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Meeting with the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Area

The Automotive Working Group hosted a presentation on the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Area.

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2024-03-13 > Shanghai

Sent comments regarding Lingang Cross-border data transfer measures to Shanghai Lingang New Area

On 13th March, European Chamber Shanghai Chapter sent comments to the Shanghai Lingang New Area Management Committee regarding the draft measures of the Lingang Cross-border data transfer plan.

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2024-02-22 > Beijing

European Chamber Vice-President meets with Director-General for DG GROW Kerstin Jorna

On 22nd February, a group of European Chamber Advisory Council representatives led by Vice-President Stefan Bernhart met with European Commission Director-General for DG GROW Jerstin Jorna.

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2024-01-18 > Beijing

Joint WG Meeting on the Latest Decarbonisation Policies and Actions in the EU and China with Mr. Rainer Emschermann from DG CLIMA

On Thursday 18th January, the European Chamber organised a joint WG meeting with Mr. Rainer Emschermann, Policy Officer at Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), European Commission, on the EU’s climate and green transition policy landscape and regulations at the heart of the EU’s decarbonisation agenda. Mr. Renato Roldão, States' Representative, European Chamber, gave the opening remarks and moderated the whole session. Representatives from various WGs such as energy, carbon market, aviation and aerospace, maritime manufacturing and industrial services, and automotive, elaborated on China’s green transition push from the perspective of EU businesses in the panel discussion.

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