EU Agri-food Delegation Visits Shanghai

2024-04-21 | Beijing, Shanghai

EU Agri-food Delegation Visits Shanghai

From 21st to 22nd April 2024, a high-level EU agri-food delegation led by the EU Agriculture Commissioner, Mr Janusz Wojciechowski, visited Shanghai. 


A market access seminar was held and attended by around 80 business delegates from various EU member states. Members of the European Chamber’s Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group joined the discussion on the import and export of agri-food products; and Roland Berger presented a keynote speech on the current trends of F&B products in the Chinese market.


A series of business events to promote agri-trade between the EU and China, European food culture, and higher-quality products for Chinese consumers took place. These included a business forum, B2B business exchanges, cooking demonstrations, exhibitions of EU geographical indication (GI) agricultural products, as well as an official dinner. 


Mr Steven Basart, General Manager of the European Chamber's Shanghai Chapter, attended the official dinner. Commissioner Wojciechowski gave a speech recounting the story behind the high quality of EU products. He emphasised the EU's support for farmers and producers, expressed appreciation for EU quality schemes like GIs and organic labels and highlighted the importance of respecting specific traditional production processes and product protection for certain regions. Furthermore, the significance of the EU organic logo was discussed, particularly in providing consistent, easy-to-understand visual identification for EU organic products, helping consumers identify them and aiding producers to market across the EU and globally.