European Chamber speaks at the 'Dialogue with Foreign Enterprises' conference by Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office

2022-10-13 | South China

European Chamber speaks at the 'Dialogue with Foreign Enterprises' conference by Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office

On Oct 13th, European Chamber Vice President and South China Board Chair Klaus Zenkel and South China Board member Joanna Ye attended the 'Dialogue with Foreign Enterprises' conference organized by Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office.

During the event, Director General Cao Saixian of Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office introduced Shenzhen’s effort of becoming an international metropolis. Deputy Director General Yuan Fuyong of Qianhai Authority introduced foreign investment policies of Qianhai, and Foreign Investment Division chief He Feng of Shenzhen Commerce Bureau introduced Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Foreign Investment.

Mr. Klaus Zenkel introduced the latest work of the European Chamber, expressed optimism about the development of the Greater Bay Area and the prospect of Qianhai Cooperation Zone, and hope that European enterprises will establish broader and deeper cooperation with Qianhai International Talent hub in the aspects of decarbonization, standardization, innovation and R&D, to attract more international talents to the Greater Bay Area.