Position Paper Presentation to the Chinese Ambassador to the European Union (EU), H.E. Zhang Ming

2021-10-08 | All chapters

Position Paper Presentation to the Chinese Ambassador to the European Union (EU), H.E. Zhang Ming

On Friday, 8th October, a delegation of European Chamber working group chairs, led by Chamber President Jörg Wuttke, met online with Chinese Ambassador to the European Union (EU), HE Zhang Ming, and presented the European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 (Position Paper).

The discussion provided the delegation with the opportunity to introduce to the ambassador the most urgent issues outlined in the Position Paper. A wide variety of topics were covered, including: the information and communications technology industry; European companies' experience with the Chinese standardisation system; the future implementation of the amended individual income tax; falling numbers of international talent; the Anti-foreign Sanction Law; China’s self-reliance trend; travel restrictions; decarbonisation; and the potential for EU-China cooperation in areas of mutual concern like climate change.

Ambassador Zhang expressed his appreciation for the European Chamber’s efforts to help improve the Chinese business environment, and said he was willing to submit the suggestions and comments made during the meeting to the Chinese Government in Beijing.