Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF)

2019-07-30 | Beijing

Meeting with China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF)

On 30th July, Dr Christoph Schrempp, Vice Chair of Environment Working Group (WG), Mr David Chen, Senior Representative of Environment and Petrochemical WG, and Ms Michelle Zhang, Government Relations Manager and Business Manager of Environment WG and Government Affairs Forum, paid a visit to the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation (CPCIF) and discussed cooperation potentials.

CPCIF Vice Secretary-General Pang Guanglian (VSG Pang) welcomed European Chamber’s delegation and gave an introduction on CPCIF’s attendees. VSG Pang further briefed CPCIF’s key events and focuses throughout the year and expected more in-depth cooperation with European Chamber. VSG Pang proposed that both parties could sign a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the collaboration mechanism.

European Chamber Environment WG Vice Chairman Christoph Schrempp (VC Schrempp) appreciated CPCIF’s efforts in organizing valuable events for the petrochemical and environment industries. Considering the overlapping membership and common interest, European Chamber was willing to cooperate with CPCIF, understand its focuses and especially support the coming event - 2019 China Petroleum and Chemical International Conference in Hangzhou, which would be a great starting point to work with.

The remaining discussion was mainly on the coming 2019 China Petroleum and Chemical International Conference.

VC Schrempp and Michelle expected to officially present the latest European Business in China Position Paper 2019/2020 (PP) to CPCIF after its release in the coming September and VSG Pang kindly offered to present some hard copy PPs in CPCIF for better promotion. VC Schrempp and David introduced key recommendations of the Environment PP 2019/2020.

The meeting was concluded with VSG Pang’s closing remarks and he handed the Annual Report 2018 of the Committee of Multinationals, CPCIF and a book as gift to the European Chamber delegation. A WeChat work group was established at end of the meeting as a daily work exchange platform. A monthly meeting mechanism was also established.