Meeting with Director General Ren Shuben, Resource Conservation and Environment Protection Department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

2019-05-22 | Beijing

Meeting with Director General Ren Shuben, Resource Conservation and Environment Protection Department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

On 22nd May, Mr Jet Chang, Chairman of the Environment Working Group (WG) led the delegation from the European Chamber to meet with Director-General Ren Shuben (DG Ren), Resource Conservation & Environment Protection Department, NDRC. Member representatives from Veolia, Suez, SGS as well as Nickel Institute attended the meeting and Mr Guido D. Giacconi, Chairman of Energy Working Group delivered a speech.

DG Ren welcomed such kind of exchanges with the European Chamber. During his visit to Brussels in April, he met with Director Kestutis SADAUSKAS, Circular Economy &Green Growth and Director Astrid SCHOMAKER, Global Sustainable Development in DG Environment. Topics were touched upon in Brussels meeting on the following 4 aspects:

·         Further implement the dialogue between ministers on China-EU Circular Economy MOU;

·         Strengthen cooperation between EU and China on resource utilization efficiency;

·         Establish a technology and equipment exchange platform to facilitate Circular Economy development;

·         Under the Circular Economy MOU, develop bi-lateral and multi-lateral cooperation like legislation, financing etc.

Following the above initiatives, both Environment and Energy WGs made fruitful exchanges with DG Ren at the meeting on the circular economy (especially on plastics, waste water and solid waste management), utilization efficiency of resources, green industry and green pricing mechanism, water resource management, pilot projects etc. DG Ren pointed out that NDRC should play well the role of strategic planning and reform from the origin of an industry; better alignment and coordination with other ministries shall be further improved. European Chamber delegation agreed with DG Ren and greatly appreciated his suggestion regarding the development of regular communication mechanism – to meet every other month and making more joint-efforts on China-EU benchmarking study and industrial cooperation. At the end of the meeting, Mr Jet Chang and  Mr Guido D. Giacconi presented European Business in China Position Paper 2018/2019 and Business Confidence Survey 2019 to DG Ren.