Meeting with the State Administration of Work Safety

2017-05-24 | Beijing

Meeting with the State Administration of Work Safety

Ms Liu Huifang, Chair of Chamber's Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group, along with two Vice Chairs of Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group, Mr Billy Chen and Mr Zhang Defa, paid the visit to the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) and had the dialogue with Mr Yin Jiankang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Planning and Technology and other officials on the reform of work safety and the participation of foreign invested enterprises in the sector of testing, inspection and certification (TIC).

Mr Yin welcomed the Chamber's visit, followed by the introduction on the structure of SAWS and the function of the Department of Planning and Technology.  He emphasied that the reform of work safety also required the participation of foreign invested enterprises to implement the plan. He further elaborated the 13th Five Year Plan on Work Safety and pointed out that it is the high time for China to improve work safety in various industries, particularly the petroleum, chemcials and coal mining industries. 

Chamber's representatives raised concerns on how to get involved in the work safety sector in China and the qualifications of foreign TIC enterprises for public procurement. Mr Ma Shouye, Director of the Department of Planning and Technology of SAWS, responded in details to these questions and would like to follow up with other departments of SAWS for further comments after the meeting.

Ms Liu concluded the meeting by expressing the gratitude to SAWS and would like to organise more meetings with different departments of SAWS for specific industries, particularly the ones related to hazardous chemicals.