European Chamber Press Statement on NPC Go back »

2010-03-06 | All chapters

European Chamber Welcomes Premier Wen Jiabao’s Assurances for Foreign Companies,
Hopes to See Action on Addressing Growth Models During NPC Meeting

BEIJING, March 5th 2010 - The European Chamber welcomes the recent statement by Premier Wen Jiabao that the Chinese government will work to create favourable conditions for foreign enterprises in China. The European Chamber, which represents the interests of more than 1,400 member companies in China, hopes to see further progress on this, as well as on efforts to address imbalances in China’s growth model, during the current meeting of the National People’s Congress, which begins in Beijing today.

In an online interview with netizens on Saturday, Premier Wen stated that the Chinese government would “provide favorable conditions" for foreign enterprises in China and that foreign enterprises could enjoy “national treatments according to Chinese laws.”

Noted European Chamber President, Joerg Wuttke: “Among our members - and the broader
foreign business community – there’s been a growing mood of uncertainty in recent months about the climate for foreign enterprises in China, and particularly about market access now and in the future. As such, we warmly welcome Premier Wen’s comments, which will help to alleviate these concerns. We hope that we will receive further such assurances during the NPC session, and that these assurances will be translated into concrete actions that will create a more open and competitive market environment.”

The European Chamber will also closely monitor developments during the National People’s
Congress meeting for progress on efforts to refocus China’s growth pattern and adjust existing economic structures, identified by Premier Wen as the government’s “top priority” during his online interview on Saturday.

Said Mr. Wuttke: “We are encouraged by the signals we have seen so far in this regard, because we truly believe that action is urgently needed to shift China’s economy away from the current industry- and investment-heavy model of growth towards a more sustainable model driven by domestic demand. We believe that European companies can play a key role in this transition.

“The European Chamber strongly encourages a focus on stimulating domestic consumption and rebalancing economic growth, which will help the country to move up the economic value chain. In our recent study on overcapacity in China, we directly addressed the need for the Chinese government to take action to achieve this, and provided numerous recommendations on measures that could be implemented. We hope that these suggestions will be reflected in the policies and actions emerging from the NPC meeting.”

The annual meeting of the National People’s Congress opens in Beijing today and runs until
March 14th.

For further information, please contact:
Martin Reidy, National Director – Marketing, Membership and Communications
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
Phone: +86 (10) 6462 2066









中国欧盟商会主席伍德克先生表示“近几个月来, 我们的会员以至广大外资企业对于在华外国企业发展环境的不确定性出现了日益增长的担忧情绪, 尤其是对于当前和未来的市场准入问题”。在这种情况下,温总理的讲话可以帮助缓和这种忧虑,对此我们表示热烈的欢迎。我们希望在这次人大会议上能够得到更多类似的承诺,并且希望看到这样的承诺可以转化成具体的行动,从而创造一个更加开放和富有竞争性的市场环境。


温总理在上周六与网友在线交流时强调政府工作的主要任务是改变中国的发展方式和调整现有的经济结构。 欧盟商会此次人大会议期间将会特别关注这方面的进展。


伍德克先生表示:“这对我们来说是一个非常令人振奋的信号,因为我们坚信中国经济需要从当前的重工业和重投资驱动的发展模式转向由内需驱动的可持续性发展模式。 我们相信欧洲公司将在这个转型的过程中扮演一个关键角色”。


“欧盟商会强烈建议把工作重点放在刺激国内消费以及重新平衡经济增长方面上,因为这些做法会有助于中国向价值链上游移动。在最近发布的关于中国产能过剩的研究报告中,我们直接指出了中国政府需要采取行动达到这个目标, 并提供了大量相关可操作的建议。我们希望这些建议会最终反映到这次人大会议讨论的相关政策和行动中”。




Martin Reidy (马丁), 市场,会员关系及公关传媒总监


电话:+86 (10) 6462 2066
