European Chamber to Deliver a Speech at the 11th EU-China Summit Go back »

2008-11-18 | All chapters

European Chamber to Deliver a Speech at the 11th EU-China Summit 

The 11th EU-China Summit will take place on 1 December 2008 in Lyon. The European Chamber Vice President Jacques de Boisséson will attend and deliver a speech on behalf of the Chamber at the Summit.

The European Union will be represented by the President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy in his capacity as President of the Council of the European Union, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commision, and Javier Solana, Secretary-General/High Representative for CFSP. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, member of the State Council, will represent the People's Republic of China.

The EU is China's leading trade partner. China is a major player in international politics and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Its economic and demographic weight makes its participation essential in major international debates such as climate change and the reform of the international financial system.

The 11th EU-China summit will be an opportunity to launch a new cycle of cooperation talks between the European Union and China.

In the current context of financial crisis, the meeting will particularly dwell on economic, financial and trade issues. Following on from the World Economic Summit to be held in the United States on 15 November, finance questions and the reform of the international financial architecture will be discussed. This meeting will also be an opportunity to take stock of issues relative to our bilateral trade relations such as market-access, non-tariff barriers and intellectual property. With regard to the latter, the EU and China intend to acquire enhanced means to fight against counterfeiting. The summit should also echo EU concerns over international currency issues.

Lastly, the summit should allow the EU-China dialogue to be strengthened in all respects. The EU and China will also work together to provide solutions to the regional and international crises of common interest (including Burma/Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan and Iran). Africa will also be among the summit's priority subjects, with the establishment of increased cooperation between China, the EU and Africa.

For more details, please  click here to download the EU-China Summit Presentation.