Upcoming Events


The best way to enhance your inclusive leadership is by empowering and coaching others. ISLC Executive and Leadership Coaching Accreditation Programs (Level One and Level Two) are certified coach training pathways with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

The Executive and Leadership Coaching Essentials Level One program enables anyone new to coaching, and also experienced coaches seeking recognition, to acquire expertise in conducting effective coaching activities. The Level One journey includes Readings, Discussion, 3-day Module One Program, Peer Coaching Group, and an Essay.

This event is the mentioned Module One program, which is the key component of Level One accreditation program. It begins with pre-reading materials and peer discussions within learning groups. This commences three weeks before this 3-day face-to-face Module One program.

  • 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-22 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Beijing Kunlun Hotel

EcoVadis是基于可持续发展相关国际标准(如ISO 26000企业社会责任管理体系标准、全球契约原则、全球报告倡议组织标准、GERES原则等),通过线上平台,协助客户评估其供应商可持续表现的一种方式。评估内容包括4大主题(即环境、劳动和人权、商业道德、可持续采购),涉及21项标准。

EcoVadis is a way to assist clients in assessing the sustainability performance of their suppliers through an online platform based on international standards related to sustainability (e.g. ISO 26000 CSR Management System Standard, Global Compact Principles, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, GERES Principles, etc.). The assessment covers four main themes (i.e. environment, labour and human rights, business ethics, sustainable procurement) and involves 21 criteria.

  • 2024-11-07 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • DEKRA Building, No. 3 Qiyun Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou.