
Environment Protection

  • 2018-09-14 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦共和国驻成都总领事馆
Members only

Cybersecurity 网络安全
MNC Connectivity Localization Influencing Factors and ICT Solutions 外企网络建设本土化的影响因素及解决方案
Data Security and Compliance of Salesforce in Cloud Era 云时代的Salesforce数据安全及合规性

  • 2018-09-13 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Studio I+II, 5th Floor, Kempinski Hotel Chengdu 成都凯宾斯基饭店 五楼会议室1+2

2018 Investment

  • 2018-08-29 | 14:00 - 16:15
  • Showroom, Wanyou Volvo 4S shop 万友沃尔沃4S店展厅

Understand the responsibilities so to avoid risks.

  • 2018-08-28 | 07:30 - 09:00
  • 3/F, Beijing Hall, Pan Pacific Tianjin

IIT Reforminng: Interpretation on the key changes of this draft regulation.

  • 2018-08-23 | 13:40 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The Belt and Road
German Investment

  • 2018-08-22 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • Reading Room, Zhonghao Law Firm Chongqing, 22nd Floor, Metropolitan Oriental Plaza 大都会广场22层中豪律师事务所阅览室


  • 2018-08-07 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • 3/F Great Hall, No.1 Meeting Room

Attention! You might be breaching the data protection regulation.

  • 2018-06-15 | 13:15 - 17:30
  • Meeting Room at Ying Ke Law Firm


  • 2018-06-07 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • 5 Floor, Tower B, 2nd Building, Liangjing Industrial Zone

European Chamber Tianjin Chapter would like to invite you on June 6th for a seminar on the High-Tech Enterprises application policies interpretation.

  • 2018-06-06 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Conference Room