
EUCCC Shenyang Chapter Election along with The dialogue of China Economic Concerns: Overcapacities and Financial Sector Reform is the chance to create and contribute to the promising future of Shenyang Chapter at the annual general meeting.

  • 2016-04-26 | 16:30 - 20:00
  • WandaVista Shenyang
Shenyang > Other

The Rhino Bazaar in Shenyang

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) Shenyang Chapter together with 1905 Re-Creative Space cordially invites you to join The Rhino Bazaar in Shenyang at 1905 Re-Creative Space on April 23 and 24 from 11am to 7pm.

  • 2016-04-23 - 2016-04-24 | 11:00 - 19:00
  • 1905 Re-creative Space

The European Chamber Shenyang Chapter in cooperation with AmCham Northeast Chapterand the German Chamber of Commerce with support of theNortheast University, cordially invites you to the “First Foreign Company Job Fair” on March 25th. This would be a part of the enormous job fair in Northeast University.

  • 2016-03-25 - 2016-03-25 | 08:30 - 16:30
  • Northeastern University, Student Activity Center

By enabling the operators of business to understand the legal risks from the internal and external,the seminar helps to establish or improve the management mechanism to avoid, reduce or transfer the legal risks which may cause economic losses to the business.

  • 2016-03-02 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Shenyang

Turning the “Triple bottom-line” into a replicable reality

  • 2012-07-23 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Dynasty Wanxin hotel 沈阳皇朝万鑫酒店