
National > Working Group Meeting

[Online Only] Global Industrial Policy: Clean Tech and Low Carbon future

Amidst the growing global economic and geopolitical uncertainties, industrial policy has taken a prominent role as nations worldwide formulate strategies and regulations concerning renewable energy, low-carbon technologies, and future materials. These developments are poised to reshape industries, especially in high-tech sectors like semiconductors, and exert a significant influence on global supply chains. Don't miss this essential discussion that delves into the future of global industrial strategy, its impact on clean technology, and the evolving dynamics of international trade. This event will provide a comprehensive examination of the approaches taken by the EU, China, and the US to foster and establish themselves as leaders in the field of clean technologies through their respective industrial policy initiatives.

  • 2023-11-24 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom online
Members only

WeChat Channels (“Channels”) are already a useful and necessary marketing platform for corporate. This year, quite a number of new features of Channels have been released, making corporate much easier to obtain traffic.

  • 2023-11-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

To follow up on the advocacy letters sent to the relevant authorities on the Social Insurance Arrangement for Employees Working in Different Locations, Ms. Jeanette Yu, Chair of HR Working Group will provide an update on the feedback we have received; Meanwhile, we will discuss the upcoming advocacy activities.

  • 2023-10-31 | 10:00 - 11:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Office | European Chamber Shanghai Office | Online Teams
Members only

Data analysis is not a subject, but an applied technology that's closely connected to business operation. Moreover, data analysis also requires people to understand the way of thinking, methods and necessary tools for analysing various data.


  • 2023-10-27 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • 3rd Floor Xinhua Innovation Centre Block F

"The Art of Upward Management" will help students build upward management thinking, from two dimensions, eight aspects, focusing on cases, from theory, to method, from thinking, to behavior, from the scene, to the system, to help students improve the ability of upward management, so as to build a good working atmosphere, to achieve organizational goals, team goals, personal performance win-win situation.

  • 2023-10-24 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

Throughout the past few years, the EU has been revamping its regulatory toolbox in order to better address emerging economic, geopolitical, technological and climate challenges. As a number of these regulations will impact the China operations of European companies, the European Chamber brings to you the Interpreting the EU’s Toolbox Series, where experts will provide an overview of the instruments that are being rolled out. The third episode of the series will focus on the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR).

  • 2023-10-23 - 2023-10-23 | 15:30 - 16:30
  • Online
Members only

In the process of business operation and management, the effective far turnover rate of equipment determines the cost, quality, capacity and profit. Therefore, equipment management has always been one of the important issues and challenges. In order to help enterprises to further understand and carry out the "Lean Management" work, as far as possible to eliminate all kinds of waste in the process of work and production, from the work site to achieve cost reduction, help the gold industry to achieve the goal of profit growth. The European Shenyang Chamber and the Foreign Investment Company Association will organise a "Lean Management Workshop" in the near future to help enterprises to improve their management level and enhance their competitiveness.

企业运营管理过程中,设备的有效远转率决定着成本、质量、产能和利润。因此,设备管理一直都是重要课题和挑战之一。为帮助企业进一步了解并开展“精益管理” 工作,尽可能地排除工作与生产过程中的各种浪费,从工作现场实现降低成本,助力金业实现利润增长的目标。中国欧盟商会联合市外企协会将于近期组织“精益管理研修班”,助力企业提高管理水平,提升竞争力。

  • 2023-10-11 - 2023-10-12 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Meeting Room, 5th Floor, Jianshan (Dalian) Co., Ltd 坚山(大连)有限公司 5 楼会议室

International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on 18th September, aims to promote the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. It further builds on the United Nations' commitment to human rights and against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination against women and girls.
Attaining equal pay stands as a significant milestone for both human rights and gender equality. The journey requires collective efforts from the global community—including businesses, workers' and employers' organisations—to champion pay parity for commensurate work. Nonetheless, there's more work ahead to further advance the economic empowerment of women.

  • 2023-09-25 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • Zoom/ European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C405

The Art of Upward Management will help students build a mindset for upward management from two dimensions and eight aspects, focusing on case studies, from theory to methods, from thinking to behavior, from scenarios to systems, to help students improve their ability for upward management, thereby building a good work atmosphere and achieving a win-win situation for organizational goals, team goals, and personal technical performance.


  • 2023-09-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online training

On 20th September, the European Chamber will publish its European Business in China Position Paper 2023/2024 (Position Paper 2023/2024), the culmination of nine months dedicated work by our 48 working groups, sub-working groups, desks, and fora. This year’s Executive Position Paper focuses on how China’s post-COVID-19 recovery has faltered and what Chinese policymakers can do to address this.

  • 2023-09-20 | 14:00 - 15:40
  • Zoom/European Chamber Office Beijing, Room C405