

  • 2019-10-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Downtown, to be confirmed

TED 演讲从 1984 年创立到现在,留下了无数脍炙人口的经典演讲。而能在短短 18 分钟之内,浓缩精华,传递思想,影响他人,改变世界,正是 TED 的魅力所在。

  • 2019-10-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Shanghai

Please join the European Chamber to discuss these issues and their possible solutions, at the launch of its annual European Business in China Position Paper.

  • 2019-10-17 | 13:40 - 17:30
  • Ballroom I, 7F, The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店七楼宴会一厅

Please join the European Chamber to discuss these issues and their possible solutions, at the launch of its annual European Business in China Position Paper.

  • 2019-10-16 | 18:30 - 21:30
  • Room Laska, M Floor, Hilton Chengdu 成都希尔顿酒店 M层纳斯卡厅


  • 2019-10-11 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, a strong advocate of CSR over the past years is proud to announce the launch of the 2019 CSR Awards.

The successful 2018 5th CSR Awards brought International and Chinese Business or Organization Leaders, CSR experts, as well as representatives of Government from all over China together to Nanjing. Nine winners were selected and received trophies for their outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and programs implemented in the past or present.

The CSR Awards aim to acknowledge CSR successes, raise sustainability awareness, and share the CSR experiences with organizations looking to promote and exercise corporate responsibility in China.

This year there will be four categories and six awards given to MNCs, SMEs and NGOs who have shown excellence in impact innovation.

  • 2019-09-30 - 2019-09-30 | 00:00 - 23:59
  • Intercontinental Hotel

Round Table Meeting

  • 2019-09-17 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • 1003, 10F, 2nd building, WIFC 西部国际金融中心2号楼10楼1003
Members only


  • 2019-09-12 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter is delighted to invite you to join the Full-day Training in Chinese: PPT Application Skills for Business Elite on 29th August (Thursday), 2019.


  • 2019-08-29 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Beijing Meeting Room, 3F, Kempinski Hotel Chongqing 重庆凯宾斯基酒店3楼北京厅

缺乏思考,人云亦云,你就是老板心中那个想不清楚事的人!沟通表达,杂乱无章,你就是领导心中那个说不明白话的人!解决问题,无从下手,你就是同事心中那个干不好活的人! VUCA 时代,职场人最该具备的基本素质是什么?说话、办事、写PPT?不,这些都是外在表象。答案:思考清晰,表达有力,行动有效!怎样才能提升这些素质?答案:把握思维、表达与行动的基本结构,可以去尝试读一下《金字塔原理》。

  • 2019-08-29 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office