
The WeChat official account is the brand building channel for companies. It is also a quick communication way. The corporate official account should follow the principles of corporate strategic communication.

If you want to run a WeChat official account well, you need to work on a series of issues: strategic planning, brand positioning, long-term content planning, team building and KPI assessment, legal risk avoidance...

This course is about the overall planning, management and operation skills of WeChat official account, focusing on improving the overall planning ability.

  • 2022-10-13 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

Investment working group

  • 2022-10-12 | 14:30 - 15:30
  • "Zoom Meeting" link will be sent to the participant's email box before 8th October, Zoom会议链接将于10月8日前发到报名人员邮箱
Members only

Presentations are often made in important situations where the survival and growth of a company is at stake, and both managers and employees need to be able to deliver excellent presentations. This course teaches how to deliver excellent, brilliant presentations through story line coaching to achieve your goals by getting your audience to understand and be impressed while conveying your ideas clearly and powerfully.

  • 2022-09-08 - 2022-09-29 | 19:30 - 21:30
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

In today's booming social media, ineffective customer communication will directly lead to complaints online. As more online platforms provide dedicated

release channels, "online customer complaints" have increasingly affected the reputation of companies, which in turn indirectly or directly affect the sales


At the same time, the accumulation of negative content will also attract the attention of the media and other competitors, and there is a danger of

fermenting into a huge public opinion risk.

In this lesson, we will discuss the behavior of customer complaints on social media, hoping to provide some ideas and methods for companies.

  • 2022-09-02 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Southwest Chapter is delighted to invite you to attend the launch of the European Business in China - Business Confidence Survey 2022 during 18:30-19:50 for the general public, and during 16:00-17:30 exclusively for press media with holding a press conference on 25th August, 2022 (Thursday) in Chengdu.


  • 2022-08-25 | 18:30 - 20:05
  • Grand Ballroom II, 9F, Grand Bay Hotel Chengdu 成都海湾大酒店 9楼远大宴会厅II

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Southwest Chapter is delighted to invite you to attend the launch of the European Business in China - Business Confidence Survey 2022 during 14:10-15:40 for the general publicon 24th August, 2022 (Wednesday) via Zoom.


  • 2022-08-24 | 14:10 - 15:40
  • "Zoom Meeting" link will be sent to the participant's email box on 24th August, Zoom会议链接将于8月24日前发到报名人员邮箱

The European Chamber Southwest China Chapter sincerely invite you to join the online training Structural Thinking - Logical and Effective Expression. Language: Chinese.


  • 2022-08-24 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

Writing skills are essential for marketing and branding professionals.

Different materials are needed for different occasions and media.

Due to the influence by internet and booming of we media in China, the standard grammars and writing rules were forgotten. For example, the writing style of corporate articles to be published on media should follow more standard grammar and wording. Meanwhile, advertising contents posted on social media can be more informal. However, many writers lack of training confused them.

In this training course, we will focus on practical writing skills with many exercises.

  • 2022-07-29 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

Investment working group meeting

  • 2022-07-28 | 14:30 - 15:30
  • "Zoom Meeting" link will be sent to the participant's email box before 28th July, Zoom会议链接将于7月28日前发到报名人员邮箱
Members only

[Half-day Online Training] SMED: Single Minutes Exchange of Die 全员生产力维护及快速换模 (Chinese language)

  • 2022-07-08 | 09:00 - 12:00
  • zoom online