
Mind mapping courses are designed to address the challenges of individual self-learning and thinking that occur on a daily basis in the workplace. By unlocking the core value of mind mapping, lifting the fog of "the prototype of mind mapping" that fills the market, inspiring learners to deliberately practice the ability of "deconstruction" and "reconstruction", and combined with workplace applications, they can use maps to divergent and creatively think in multiple scenarios such as information combing, work planning, and report expression, pursue excellent ways of thinking, and achieve efficiency improvement.

  • 2023-03-22 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)
National > Working Group Meeting

Cosmetics Working Group 2023 Kick-off Meeting and Chair Election

The Cosmetics Working Group is pleased to invite you to join its 2023 Kick-off Meeting and Chair Election on Tuesday 21st March, 9:00 to 10:30.

  • 2023-03-21 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • Shanghai Office + Zoom
Members only

The Maritime Manufacturing & Industrial Services Working Group is glad to invite you to join the 2023 Kick-off Meeting and Chair Election on Monday 20th March, 14:00-16:00.

  • 2023-03-20 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Office | European Chamber Shanghai Office | Online Meeting
Members only

It is becoming more and more common for enterprises to encounter public opinion. Nowadays, many enterprises will respond to public opinion: some accept media interviews, some send lawyers' letters, some issue statements on their official websites and official accounts...
Similarly, there are very few successful cases that can calm public opinion with a single response. Most of the time, the response will either be like a mud in the sea, or even worse, the response will trigger a new round of public opinion, and the more the response, the bigger the problem.
In this case, and some enterprises would rather take the "ostrich tactics": let your public opinion, I will not say a word.
In this lesson, we select successful public opinion response statements and analyze them to analyze and learn the skills of how to respond to public opinion.


  • 2023-03-10 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

Enterprises and users are a pair of communication subjects, interact with each other. Each party's output (attitude, bargaining leverage) directly influences the other's feedback. In this pair of subjects, the enterprise is a "non-human" organization, while the user is an individual with emotions and psychology. Individual users expect a "back and forth" "you have to understand how I feel" mode of communication between people. But companies can't meet that demand. The enterprise completes the output of its will through the position of customer service and after-sales service. But customer service training has determined that they do not provide "emotional value." When it comes to online text communication, there will be the same situation of "insufficient exchange of emotions": the enterprise will issue objective, rational and cold response text, and users will think you have a bad attitude and become angrier.

  • 2023-03-03 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱

Why does traditional management training fail to address employee personal development? Why are there so many incentives to use, but employee enthusiasm is low? Why did employees still complain even after managers have helped them?

This course helps managers to build confidence and professional competence in coaching step by step through the guidance of coaches' mentality and motivation, and by using practical management cases from daily communication, feedback to year-end evaluation, and career planning guidance, so as to improve management efficiency and organizational performance.

  • 2023-02-28 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

The European Union Chamber of Commerce Southwest China Chapter is delighted to invite you to the launch of the European Business in China – Position Paper 2022/2023 (Position Paper) on 7th December (Wednesday), 2022 in Chongqing. Position Paper is the Chamber’s most important publication and the cornerstone of its annual advocacy plan which is compiled by its 35 working groups and sub-working groups over a nine-month period. Despite the heightened difficulties facing European companies in China, they are committed to staying and improving the business environment, as illustrated by the 967 constructive recommendations put forward in the Position Paper 2022/2023.

  • 2023-02-16 | 14:20 - 15:30
  • Meeting Room 1, 2F, Block A2, SinoSwiss Technopark (SSTP) 中瑞(重庆两江)产业园A2栋2楼1会议室

The European Union Chamber of Commerce Southwest China Chapter is delighted to invite you to the launch of the European Business in China – Position Paper 2022/2023 (Position Paper) on 15th February (Wednesday), 2023 in Chengdu. Position Paper is the Chamber’s most important publication and the cornerstone of its annual advocacy plan which is compiled by its 35 working groups and sub-working groups over a nine-month period. Despite the heightened difficulties facing European companies in China, they are committed to staying and improving the business environment, as illustrated by the 967 constructive recommendations put forward in the Position Paper 2022/2023.

  • 2023-02-15 | 18:30 - 21:00
  • Wed Room, B2 F, W Chengdu 成都W酒店 B2层婚礼堂

The European Chamber Finance and Taxation Working Group is pleased to invite you to attend a working group event themed ‘China's taxation policy for opening-up: past trajectory and future trends’, where our distinguished guest speaker Ms Liang Ji, Director of Research Center for Government Revenues of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences (中国财政科学研究院公共收入研究中心主任梁季), will review how China’s taxation policy system has evolved since the 1980s, and share her insight on its developing trends in the new context.
The event will take place on Thursday 12th January 2023 at 09:30-11:30 am (Beijing time), both on-site in the chamber Beijing office and online via Zoom. The meeting will be given in Chinese only. Our speaker – Director Liang Ji – will attend the meeting on-site.

  • 2023-01-12 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • Online / European Chamber Beijing Office
Members only