
顶尖咨询顾问老师手把手教学,帮助您的员工判断市场态势、深入了解客户、精准定位产品。Top consultants will help your employees determine market trends, gain a deeper understanding of customers and pinpoint products.
学习收益 Course benefits:

  • 2021-12-21 - 2022-01-14 | 19:00 - 20:30
  • Zoom Online

Christmas comes early in Nanjing to European Chamber's friends and family! Join us to celebrate Christmas together!

  • 2021-12-20 | 18:00 - 20:00
  • FRIEDA, Kempinski Hotel Nanjing凯宾斯基酒店弗里达餐厅

In today's era of rapid development, people are facing great pressure in the workplace from performance growth, team leading, interpersonal conflict and so on. Emotional management becomes more and more important under such pressure. Sometimes, people let the emotion control and it brings many negative effects; sometimes, people ignore the emotion and it makes people indifferent and stubborn; sometimes, people hold the emotion back and become helpless and exhausted.

  • 2021-12-10 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • FESCO Jiangsu

年终在即,辛苦耕耘一年成果满满的你,是否已经准备好了一份同样清晰、丰满的年终总结?本次课程将会为大家带来 PPT 设计制作中的各种加分利器,帮助大家理清思路、掌握技巧,呈现完美的年终汇报答卷。
Course introduction
After hard work for one year, have you prepared a clear and full contented report for your full year-end summary? This course will bring you all kinds of bonus points in PPT design and production, help you to clarify ideas, master skills, and present a perfect year-end report.

• 熟练掌握设计思路清晰、逻辑明确的报告框架的工具和方法
• 掌握有效处理文字、数据、图片、视频的方法和呈现技巧,提升信息呈现力
• 掌握 PPT 演示技巧,呈现完美的工作汇报
Course benefits
Master the tools and methods of clear designing and logical reporting framework
Master the methods and presentation skills of effectively processing words, data, pictures, and videos, and improve the information presentation
Master PPT presentation skills to present a perfect work report

适合希望从 PPT 形象、内容逻辑、表现形式、排版设计、演绎呈现等方面进一步提高汇报质量的企业员工。
Who should attend
This training is suitable for employees who want to further improve the reporting quality from the aspects of PPT image, content logic, expression form, typesetting design, deductive presentation, etc

  • 2021-12-09 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Link shall be shared before the training

· 通过企业实战案例,掌握Power BI职场工作实用功能;
· 学习Power Query数据整理、清洗、组合,整理数据更加得心应手;
· 学习Power Pivot数据分析、数据建模的方法,分析数据高效准确;
· 掌握Power BI Desktop数据可视化呈现技术,享受无与伦比的图表视觉盛宴。

· 无论你是行业精英还是职场新人,无论你是财务、人力、销售、行政还是运营岗位,只要你同数据打交道,Power BI就能助你一臂之力,从大数据的牢笼中解放,告别数字搬运工!

  • 2021-12-02 - 2022-01-31 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Link shall be shared before the training

车间是企业进行增值活动的场地,更是企业管理水准的直接体现。通过持续优化车间管理流 程,可以提升企业内部的信息透明度,加快问题解决的速度。在本课程中学员将体验最先的数 字化车间管理应用,了解其相对于传统车间管理工具的优势。

  • 2021-11-26 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • KIT中国研究院

• 掌握职场高阶函数,处理更为复杂的数据统计与分析;
• 掌握数据分析的相关工具,有效挖掘数据价值;
• 掌握数据看板制作方法,数据分析结果更全面、系统及高效;
• 掌握高阶商务图表类型的绘制,让数据传达形式更为新颖及多样化;

Course Benefits
• Master the higher-level functions to process more complex data statistics and analysis;
• Master the relevant tools of data analysis and find the value of data effectively;
• Master data table production methods, make data analysis results more comprehensive, systematic and efficient;
• Master the drawing methods of high-level business chart types to make the forms of data transmission more novel and diversified;

Course Audience
Suitable for employees who want to improve their work efficiency and master data analysis methods.

  • 2021-11-23 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Link shall be shared before the training

In collaboration with the European SME Centre (EUSME Centre) and The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) , we are glad to invite you to the seminar "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed", which will be held both ONLINE and OFFLINE in Nanjing at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing City, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号) on November 18th, 2021, from 1:50 pm to 4:30 pm (Beijing time).

  • 2021-11-18 | 13:50 - 16:30
  • Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd.


  • 2021-11-18 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • GAMI全球先进制造研究所

随着制造业步入精益和微利时代,作为生产过程的重要支撑,物流系统起着至关重要的作用。应用精益原理来消除物流运作流程中浪费的时间和作业步骤,从而改善物流过程的安全、品质、交货期和成本;既不早、也不晚,恰好及时地完成供-产-销的物流过程,追求“零周期”、“零库存”和“准时化”(Just in Time,简称 JIT),是精益管理体系,特别是物流与供应链管理的目标。
为此,GAMI 特别策划了题为“精益化和智能化内部物流管理 ”的培训课程,邀请GAMI 高级顾问沈春峰先生就企业物流系统普遍存在的问题,与大家分享经验、提供见解,为大家的日常工作改善带来启发,让您汲取先进企业经典案例精髓的同时,掌握先进物流管理的技术和方法,获得现代精益物流管理新思维。

  • 2021-11-12 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • GAMI Global Advanced Manufacturing Institute